
Thinking is hard. Got anything non-taxing to take my mind off chess?

by  |  earlier

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Mare, yes it did. It made me wonder about the difference between a fact and a factoid!

I did know the first part of your fact. Did you know that it is believed that the brain can only metabolise glucose?




  1. Try (as black).. 1d4,Nf6:2c4,e5:3dxe5,Ng4:4Nc3,d6: 5exd6,Bxd6:6h3,Nxf2:7Kxf2,Bg3+..White resigns..

  2. try answering a few questions to the best of your relaxed ability and PLEASE throw in some sarcasm

  3. A minor factoid - You are quite right, thinking is very hard, and it consumes an inordinate amount of energy.  Did you know that the brain is the most energy consuming organ in the human body? - it most certainly is.  Check it out for yourself.  It's why you keep tripping to the loo/john in the night, when you've got a lot on your mind!  As your brain goes to work thinking over and over, it burns carbohydrates. The by-products are CO2 and H2O. The H2O (water) is why you pee a lot at night when you've got things on your mind!!!

    That took your mind off chess for a minute - didn't it?

  4. watching tv is pretty brainless. try family guy lol.

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