
Thinking of adding more?

by Guest32652  |  earlier

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I have a twenty gallon tank (cycled) that currently has six zebra danios and six white clouds, three otos and one honey gourami.

can I add more? I'm thinking of adding another honey gourami tommorow and maybe a female betta later on. good or no?

any other stocking ideas anyone wants to suggest? I'm open for practically anything thats reasonable.

Oh, and my zebras and white clouds love to only school the top, while my honey gourami just swims at all levels. Are there any good middle/bottom dwellers that I can add?

thanks :)




  1. Your definately reaching max capacity here and where the largest problem lays with too many fish is filtration.. too much waste and not enough surface area for the healthy bacteria to colonize and flourish, i would probably double my biological media before adding more fish and it really couldnt hurt to add either a larger than recomended filter, or double the one you have now... Ever notice in a well kept fish store that the tanks sometimes seem way over crowded  the fish still have vibrant colors and are active. thats because fish stores have a HUGE filtration system that houses an enormous amount of biological mechanical and chemical filtration.  The easiest way to fix a problem in this hobby is to avoid it in the first place... good luck and happy keeping...

  2. I think you are stocked up..don't add any more fish...will get overcrowded for sure...

  3. you *can* add another betta and a gourami, since they are middle dwellers, provided that you have sufficient filtration. Don't add anymore after that though~!

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