
Thinking of adopting again?

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We have 2 beautiful daughters adopted from China and they are the love of my life. They are 6 months apart in age and in 1st grade.

But lately, I have felt "the Pull" again and find myself looking at the adoption sites.

I would love to have an older girl. Maybe 9-11 yrs old. They just have very little hope of a life there and they age out of the orphanges at 14.

We are in our mid 40s and make good money., we could do it, but would require a bigger house.

What do you think?




  1. I feel that as long as there is love you can do it look at all the parents out there in a 2 or 3 bedroom home with 5 or 6 children those families as they get older look back and remember the goodtimes and love that was in their home and rarly remember the lack of space they had in my opion youll be just like most american families raising kids . remember its not the money nor the room its the love you can give them that counts along with keeping them safe Hope you the best the children in the world needs more people out there like you

  2. If it's in your hearts, do it.  There is probably a little girl somewhere who is waiting for a family.  

  3. As along as you have a stable home, loving family, etc. I do not see a problem also considering you have already adopted two daughters from China.  

  4. That's a lovely generous idea.

    You are helping a child in need and you are right since they do have little hope of life there.An 11 year old would be a lovely addition to your life!

  5. Ultimately, you should do it if it's what you really want. I do tend to want to avoid changing the birth order in our family, there's some value in preserving your first children's role as elders. But at the end of the day with a little planning I certainly think you could expand the family by adding an older child.  

  6. absolutely - you won't regret the decision!  at least that's what i keep telling myself as my heart is also being pulled right now!

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