
Thinking of adoptling!!?

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My husband and I are thinking of adopting a baby. Is there any good websites to visit. I don't know of any agencies?




  1. My mom owns an adoption agency in Indiana.  Her website is  The agency is Kids First Adoption and my parents started the agency 9 years ago.  If you need help please check out the site and e-mail my mom.

  2. try US adoption or International adoption

  3. There are a ton of great websites and info out there.  Buy the book adoption for dummies.  I found it really helpful when we were just starting out.  Here are some sites that might be helpful:


    If there is an adoption group in your area - join - it will be really helpful for info purposes and for networking too.

    Good luck.

  4. Start with your local DHS.  There are a LOT of kids waiting in foster care for families (some even infants) - and it's free in most states.  Good luck!

  5. I would suggest contacting a local reputable adoption agency for more information.  You can also contact your local Dept of Human Services to discuss foster/adopt programs.  

    You will need to decide what type of adoption you are interested in pursuing - domestic vs. international; private vs. agency vs. foster/adopt.  Once you have that information, it will be easier to obtain information specific to your adoption journey.  

    We used Adoptions from the Heart.  They might be able to put you in touch with an agency in your area.  We (and the bio family) highly recommend them.  

    Good luck to you.

  6. We started our adoption process by talking with families in our local area who had adopted. Once we learned from their experiences we investigated the different agencies that they used and others we found on the web. We then decided on a program and began our interviews and got lots of help from our social worker.

    I think that your social worker can be one of your best assets during an adoption process so make sure that you are comfortable with the one you choose. They can help you with many questions prior to an adoption and after.

    There are many options for domestic and international adoption. None of them come with a promise but the privilege of finally being able to parent an adopted child is quite a reward! I wish you good luck!

  7. I would start with the web site  

    You should also do lots of research on the type of adoption that is best for your family i.e., domestic, international, foster care, etc.

    You should also do research on ethical adoptions.

    Researching both of these things will help you make the best, most informed decision.

    Good Luck

  8. Well, there are many avenues for adoption, each one with benefits and drawbacks.  There is foster-adoption, US domestic adoption and international adoption.  I recommend that you research all of them in order to determine what would be best for your family and your situation.  

    You can start with local adoption services in your phone book and work from there.

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