
Thinking of buying a 35mm camera from a pawn shop, any way to keep from driving all over town?

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We have many many pawn shops here and I do not want to drive around to all of them looking for a 35mm camera. Any suggestions? Do they have websites usually? What are some of the problems with buying a used 35mm camera, the fully manual film type, I should be on the lookout for? Do pawn shops usually guarantee their stuff to work?




  1. Pawn shops can be hit or miss.  They won't guarantee their items to work...and they probably won't have someone who knows enough about 35mm cameras working there.

    I'd go to a camera shop that sells used equipment.  35mm stuff is pretty cheap now.  And from a camera shop, it's guaranteed that it'll work.  Plus, they'll be able to help you find a camera that works for you, including the lenses.

  2. Pawn shops are usually pretty sketchy places to buy anything, and I have never seen one that specializes in cameras. Save yourself the trouble of driving all around town looking for a camera repair store because of the bad camera you bought at the pawn shop and just buy a good one at a real camera store. You could probably Google for one in your area.

    Better yet, you could shop for one on eBay (a good Nikon or Canon in Excellent condition) and not even have to get dressed! As long as you stick with buyers with good feedback (99%+) and buy a camera in good condition, you'll be fine. I've bought a few cameras off eBay that would have been impossible to find in stores, and I've had great luck.

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