
Thinking of changing current tank stock?

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my tank is 40 gal (150 litre) and currently has:

3 electric yellows

3 electric blues

1 Maylandia hajomaylandi

1 Haplochromis Livingstoni

1 (looks like a peacock but isnt forgot name)

5 khuli loaches

I want to sell all the blues because they are all feamle (had them from juvinile) and are pretty dull. Should i add another cichlid once i sell them? if yes would a peacock be ok? Or what should i add? Or am i overstocked. Thanks all!!




  1. actually even by getting rid of the electric blues you're way overstocked

    especially since the maylandia hajomaylandi should be in no less then a 50 gallon tank

    and the Haplochromis livingstoni get's to be 8 inch in length, and should also be kept in no smaller then a 70 gallon when small and even in a 125 gallon tank once they become adults

    if i where you i would sell

    the electric blues as planned

    the maylandia hajomaylandi

    and the haplochomis livinstoni

    unless you can of course upgrade to a bigger tank

    if you get rid of all of them

    and your tank is at least 4 feet, 48 inch you can keep 2 species of africans

    which means you can get more of the peacock looking ones

    if the tank is only a 36 inch i would only keep one african species in it

    hope that made sense


    you still wouldn't be able to keep the livingstoni

    however, you would be able to keep up to 3 species of africans including other scholing fish with them

    i will give you a stockin idea here

    i assume you have 1 male and 2 female yellows

    1 male 2 female yellows

    1 male 2 female mylandia hajomaylandi

    1 male 2 females of the peacock you have already

    5 kuhli loaches

    1 pair of bristlenose plecos

    6 buenos aires tetras

    6 giant danios

    6 short finned serpae tetras

    ^^^ schooling fish will adapt to high pH of the africans

    and here is some info on the haplochromis livingstoni for you to read up on as well

    beautiful cichlid, don't give me wrong

    but i would really follow the tank size guidelines on it and will also become very aggressive as well

  2. If your fish are happy and healthy dont sell them, fish dont like change and if you have had them from a young age why would you want to get rid of them. Get another tank if you want more fish. Would you sell your cat or dog when they get old?

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