OK.. i need braces for sure so i am going to get them either way, but the thing is, should i get them right now, or wait a little..
Why wait? I was looking at braces and how they work, and i went to the doctor and he said 2 to 21/2 years i need to have braces. Invisalign will not work on my case, so i will need the whole metal mouth thing for that long of a time!
When i was looking on the computer about braces, they have this new concept or something that has microchips that shortens 2 years to about 1 year 2 months, but it is still a concept and i don't know when they will make it functional.
So should i wait for something faster since technology is getting so much better and there is bound to be faster ways, or should i just get braces now and get it over with?!