
Thinking of getting braces. or should i wait

by  |  earlier

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OK.. i need braces for sure so i am going to get them either way, but the thing is, should i get them right now, or wait a little..

Why wait? I was looking at braces and how they work, and i went to the doctor and he said 2 to 21/2 years i need to have braces. Invisalign will not work on my case, so i will need the whole metal mouth thing for that long of a time!

When i was looking on the computer about braces, they have this new concept or something that has microchips that shortens 2 years to about 1 year 2 months, but it is still a concept and i don't know when they will make it functional.

So should i wait for something faster since technology is getting so much better and there is bound to be faster ways, or should i just get braces now and get it over with?!




  1. Just get the braces, it's worth the wait!

  2. well if your teeth are really bad you shouldnt wait bec it could get even worse. It also depends on your age bec if ur still growing u might be able to wait, but if ur done growing get 'em! the longer u wait, the longer you have to wait to get straight teeth! (i had a metal mouth its really not that bad!, and if your young you dont want a brace face for senior pics!)

  3. If i were you, i would just get the braces and get it over with. Ive had them for about 3 years now, and I'm getting them off in a couple of months. I've heard that it's worth the wait because when you get them off you have a beautiful new smile! And, why take that chance with the new technology it might not work, and it might even cost you more money!

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