
Thinking of getting my lip pierced in a couple of hours, need some advice please?

by  |  earlier

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iv planned to go and get my lip pierced later, but im a little unsure. Will it effect how people see me or how i am treated at interviews? Things like that. Should i go for it?




  1. my advice is don't do it

  2. Don't get it done.  

  3. If you want to make yourself look ugly and stupid then carry on because ugly and stupid is precisely how many people will see you.

    Most employers prefer not to employ people who are ugly and stupid.

    The more intelligent a man is, the more likely he is to prefer not to date ugly stupid women.

  4. i never like a gir with her lip peiced, ears. belly button er nose are fin, tongue is ok, but lip, nah

  5. it will effect job interviews yeah, i was surprised that in music shops (i dont know if you're from the uk but in virgin records they told my friend to take ther lip ring out) they dont like it. go for it if you want it and just take it out for interviews :)

  6. defiantly will affect interviews. i had to take mine out to get my job

    its just noticeable is all. I love the look though

    you'll also get wee old women tutting at you as you walk down the street lol but its becoming more common now so won't be that bad

  7. wait if you're undecided.

    you can't undo the things that are already done.

  8. Its entirely up to you. Most employers allow one facial piercing.

    You can also buy a retainer- a clear plastic labret for it. Its visible but most people don't notice it!

    I'd recommend you dont get a ring- takes longer to heal and more visible.

    Also- it doesnt look tacky, i have never gotten any strange looks off of anyone, you wont look like a rebel. 4 gods sake i got one and i still look all girly n cute lol! It may affect inteveiws a little but thats what the retainer is for. Plus they will judge you on if you are good enough for the job not your piercing. Hey, it never stopped me and i have my nose done too! Lastly- you cant feel it when kissing anyway.

    Dont worry what people think about it, if you want it get it! I worried for ages and then i got it an although some people didnt like it at first, the eventually got used to it!

    I say go 4 it!!!

  9. It would look unprofessional and people could see you as immature or different than you actually may be.

    Also, not many guys would like to kiss a pierced lip.

  10. If you want people to see the piercing and overlook you as an individual, then go ahead. If piercings are so good, why do people have half a dozen?

    Some piercings are sexual statements, which could be misinterpreted.

    At interviews, it is unlikely to impress anybody.

    Why do people have piercings done, when they would not visit the Dentist?

  11. Go for it!  Tres s**y!

  12. Who cares what anyone else thinks, their are always going to be people out there that won't accept you for who you are regardless if  you have piercings or not. Choose to have what ever piercings you want because you want them and know it will suit you well, don't worry about anyone else opinion since you will be the one wearing it, not them.  Piercings are not permanent, so you can always remove them whenever you want and if taken care of well they're will be minimal scarring if any at all. I myself have a good career and work at my local sheriff office w/ communications department and have several piercings that are noticeable on my ears(tragus,rook,etc) and nose, my supervisors don't mind at all, some employers might so at work or during an interview just either remove the piercing before you go or place in an retainer. Good Luck

  13. it will affect interviews and stuff coz it will make u look immature.. like a rebel  

  14. all depends on what type of job you are going for...if its something arty, then a piercing could infact help you get the job.

    if its going to be customer facing in an office / business type environment, then you might be best thinking again... although you can buy clear labrets and balls, which would make it less noticeable.

    if you aren't sure, wait. you might regret it, and then you would have wasted your money.

  15. No.

    It doesn't look nice and doesn't look very professional if you want to get a good job etc.

  16. Honestly, people do view people as piercings or tattoos as being "dirty." Both my parents have tattoos, so I don't really understand why people think that. It will affect interviews. If you can, shoot for places where you have seen other people with piercings. They can be found! At our preschool, both my friend and I have tattoos and piercings. There are two other girls with nostril piercings, and we just hired a girl with several facial piercings. However, our tattoos are hidden and our piercings that are not hidden are "tasteful." Ie: nostril and monroe piercings are acceptable at the preschool. We also work in a very high end neighborhood where the yearly income of one parent is at least $100,000. No one has complained yet. About 75% of our parents have tattoos anyway, so I would also advise you to look for a job where the clientel is also modified.

    If you want your lip pierced, go for it. Just realize that even though you look at body modifications as being positive, a lot of people do not. Be prepared to be gawked at, though body modifications are "coming up" in the world.

    If you do go for a job interview, wear a clear quartz retainer. The jewelry itself is not 100% invisible, but it is a lot less noticeable. Even if the hiring manager does see the jewelry, he/she will know that you are serious enough about the job to try and hide your piercings with out giving up your individuality.

    Good luck!

  17. sometimes it can look a bit tack on a girl.. sorry i know thats not what u want to hear..but  yep i reckon it will effect how people see you..

    on boys its ok nut on girls it just looks a bit nasty.. how bout just gettin the top of ur ear.. or the little lobe inside your ear done??

    good luck

  18. If your not positive you wanna do it, then dont.

    In my own opinion lip piercings are extreamly awesome and i love them, of course theyre not everyone cup of tea, there will be sterotypes and itll be more difficult to get a job [although duh just take it out for the interview]  

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