
Thinking of going vegan, can you tell me why you NOT vegan or vegetarian?

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Thinking of going vegan, can you tell me why you NOT vegan or vegetarian?




  1. It matters not why others make the choice that they do.  What matters is that you make a choice that you personally can live with.

    The world doesn't need more judgemental people.  The world needs more people willing to work through differences and still be able to get along with each other.

  2. I am not a vegetarian or vegan because I don't have to be one and I don't find the reasons especailly those usually stated in this forum compelling.

    Maybe in the future I will be one, perhaps for health reasons. But for now, they can eat off their plate and I will eat off mine and we can all go on our merry way.

  3. The ONLY reason to not be veg is to make it easier to over-eat when you go out.

    Of course, not wanting to be vegetarian is reason enough but I'm answering a question that was asked by someone that said they wanted to become vegan.

    If you don't want to read about eating a healthy diet, don't become vegan.

    If you persist on believing that vegan people don't need a B12 supplement even though people that eat meat, dairy AND fortified cereal have a lower b12 status than recommended, don't become vegan.

    If you want to become vegan so that you can lose weight really fast, don't become vegan. It's not a weight-loss diet.

    If you want to contribute to as little suffering as possible while you go about your daily life, I strongly recommend that you go vegan.

  4. Trust me, you won't get any logical answer outside of:

    1. Our body NEEDS meat!  (it doesn't)

    2. We were MEANT to eat meat!  (we weren't)

    3. It tastes good!

  5. I was a vegetarian for 2.75 years. As a weight lifter I need way more protein than most people.

    Vegetarian sources of protein are not as high quality (not a proper amino acid break-down). There are many ways a vegetarian can get good protein (whey protein shakes, combining rice and beans, etc.), but it requires extra effort and planning.

    Active people need more protein. Weight lifters are not only active, but the activity in question tears down muscle fibers (to be later rebuilt with the help of protein), so weight lifters need even more yet.

    Also, the body does not store protein for very long, so one needs a source of high quality protein every 2.5-3 hours.

    When you combine all these factors, I found it much easier to get the high quality protein I need (as often as I need it), when I eat meat.

    When I started eating meat again, I broke past a plateau and lost some fat, and gained some muscle.

    EDIT: Everything I've said here is fact or personal experience. Whomever gave me a thumbs down, please send me an email and explain why. I'm 99% sure I don't deserve a thumbs down.

    EDIT2: Even more thumbs down? I have a feeling it's from vegetarians thinking "people don't need as much protein as meat eaters say." I have a feeling those marking me down have never heard of the negative nitrogen balance studies in weight lifters even at 250% of the RDA for protein.

    Seriously...if you want to give me a thumbs me about why...and I'll debate you into the ground.

    It's true that a non-active person doesn't need very much protein, but that's not what we are talking about here.

    Everything I said in my answer is fact and/or personal experience.

    EDIT3: You can see my sources and argue with the experts if you really want.

  6. meat has protien and carbohydryates your body needs.

    its the natural food cycle for animals to kill other animals to eat, its unnatuaral for us to only eat vegtables, we are omnivores not herbivores

  7. I can tell you why!!!

    Vegetarians live longer. I've been a vegetarian for the last 14 years and haven't gone back to red meat since. I just can't eat dead animals. I take a good quality iron supplement though and my blood results are always very healthy. You can also avoid health issues associated with meats like selmonella and mad cow disease!!!!

  8. I Personally am really big on animal rights. and i do not think it is alright if animals are abused so we can eat them. ALTHOUGH; Meat and fish are our source of calcium and minurals that our body needs. If you're going vegan you should take calcium and vitamins to give your body what it needs to stay healthy, otherwize your teeth, hair and bones wont be as healthy and strong as they are now. Hope that helps :]

  9. I'm not vegan or vegetarian for one simple reason I have canine teeth and we are carnivores,ya I know that's two reasons I have more, when I started writing they just kept coming like the fact that meat helps the brain develop and our bodies are built for meat its what kept us going for millinea ect ect    

  10. I am not veg*n because I think that meat as part of a sensible diet is normal, moral, healthy and acceptable.  Iknow where meat comes from.  I have raised and butchered many animals.

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