
Thinking of moving to New Zealand for work?

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Hi, got offered a job in New Zealand as a quantity surveyor and considering moving but would like to hear from anyone who has done similar or can provide any advice. I currently stay in the UK.




  1. Definitely go for it!

  2. good luck have fun

  3. Hi,

    I just did that - moved from Salford, Manchester to NZ. Not trying to be cute, but man - talk about going from h**l straight to heaven!

    But you probably want to know about hard-edged evidence that NZ is better. Well, let's spell it out:

    Your salary may be lower than in the UK, but -

    1. The most expensive meal you'll buy in a top restaurant is £ 10

    2. Monthly insurance premium for a Mercedes 300 SE is £ 4.50

    3. A liter of fuel is £ 0.60

    4. A family home is £ 100k if you're looking for a nice one

    5. crime etc. are absolutely zero in cmparison to the UK

    Etc., I think you get it, you get so much more life for the money. And it feels like living in Anglesey, or North Wales, Snowdonia, etc. Maybe a bit like the Isle of Skye in some places. I say: Go for it, don't decline and then find out on some holiday you would have loved it (because you would) and then kick yourself.

    All the best! I'm not leaving here.

  4. Do this. NZ is an awesome country, the Kiwis are the most friendliest I have met in all my world travels and have a SOH that is as dry as a bone. The countryside is the pinnacle of Gods creation, the standard of living is cheaper than UK, there is no snobbery and status envy as we have here, You really should do this, if you don't you will spend the rest of your life wondering, "What if I had?"

    To give you a little taster, try reading Kiwi newpapers online at  I wish I had the chance I tell you.

  5. nope..but love their apples...

  6. Go for it! you will never look back.

  7. go for it  my uncle has been out there 30years he would never come back to UK to live wages my be less than UK but cost of living lower over there friendly people FRESH Air what more could you want.


    That is the official government website for immigration to New Zealand.  Since you're in the UK, check to see if there are specific work agreements between the two countries - you may not need to jump through all of the hoops us Americans must.  

    New Zealand is amazing.  I'd move in a heartbeat if I could.

  9. The pay is c**p but the lifestyle is fan-tastic! You'll miss pub lunches, OK! magazine, Selfridges, English Comedy, English weather.... wait, what am I talking about? Get your Pommy backside down here now!

  10. hey mate,

    in all the dealings I've had with the kiwis and moaris I have found them to be wonderful, friendly and inviting people.

    There country is simply beautiful from the city of sails and views-Auckland to the farming country in Wikato-district and the Mountians on the south island-Tasman district there is nothing better, I'm Australian but me and my partner Laura would definetly consider a move to NZ without any problems.....

    I recomend you take a look at the following website to get more of an overview of this wonderful, beautiful place known as the "land of the long white cloud"

    I hope this info has been of some asistance to you.


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