
Thinking of moving to germany?

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Im an australian and british citizen what rights do i have in germany




  1. You probably also want to know if you are allowed to work. As an EU citizen you are.

    They made it pretty easy for europeans to work in any country in the EU.

    Here is some more information on that topic:

  2. For God's sake - pull yourself together, man.

    What's the matter with you?

    The whole place is crawling with bloody Germans!

  3. Same as any other EU citizen

  4. About the same as other foreigners....just stay within the law and you will be okay.

  5. well get nationalized i dont really know much about the rules in germany the best place is to ask at the embassy they might be able to assist u

  6. You have the right to work and live in Germany without a residency permit and without a work permit. As EU citizen you have the same rights as a German citizen except for social welfare (ALG II or Hartz IV money from ARGE or Sozialhilfe from the county or city). As a Brit you cannot get the dole in Germany, only in the UK. You are however entitled to all insurance-based social security systems like health insurance, unemployment benefits and pensions. All you need to do is pay into the system for a certain amount of time. To recieve unemployment benefits (ALG I ) you need to work for a year, for pensions at least 5 years.

    Another way to get unemplyoment benefits in Germany is as a transfer service from the UK for 3 months. This is a service done EU-wide to help EU citizen to move to other countries.

    Transfer service of unemployment benefits from the UK works the following way: If you are recieving money from DPW you can apply for a transfer of this money to seek work in Germany. Once your papers are processed by DWP you will then be eligible to recieve unemployment benefits for 3 months from the German Arbeitsagentur while you are looking for work in Germany. Talk to your clerk at DWP about it.

    Hope this helped a bit.

  7. hello ! I´m from Germany !

    Many !

  8. enough said

  9. As a british (EU citizen) you have the same rights and obligations as every German - you will probably need some paperwork though.

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