
Thinking of playing College Rugby?

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I've never played rugby before but I wanted to try something new. I used to play volleyball, wrestling, track and field uring high school so do any of these sports help out with rugby? please let me know ok!




  1. Rugby is definetely NOT the best team sport but if you cant make it in any other sport at the college level, go ahead and give rugby a shot.  Yes its tough, and yeah you gotta be able to take hits, but its gotta be one of the most "boringest" sport there is; to watch AND play.

  2. alot of wrestlers play rugby after they's completed their wrestling careers. Yeah mate, just show up, bring a mouthpiece and proper boots and get in the mix. all ruggers will be helpful . rugby is the BEST team sport ... PERIOD! . learning the laws will come quickly as soon as you get out on the pitch.   LOL

  3. Playing rugby in college was the best decision i made as a freshman.  Not only is it a great sport that i continue to play 15 years later, but I met the best friends ever, and had the best times ever!   I wouldn't trade it for anything.  Volleyball, wrestling and track will all be helpful.  Just get your hands on a ball as soon as you can and start messing around with it- tossing it to yourslef, throwing it, kicking it.  The veteran players will be able to teach you everything else you know.  Also google "rookie rugby primer."  its a funny, really simple introduction to the sport. also has some good info.  Most teams are club sports... thats probably what they mean by walk on practice.  "Club sport" means you may need to save some cash for travel expenses and stuff so work hard this summer to save up so you can participate as much as possible.  Usually the colleges don't pay your way to games or anything.  And you'll probably have to pay dues... just a heads up!  Good luck!

  4. Most wrestlers that I know who play rugby are pretty d**n good.  They have great balance and tackling.  Doing track will help out your speed tremendously.  If you can bulk up a little that would be a great combination.

  5. Most college rugby in the States is walk on, so you'll be starting at about the same time as most players do.  Depending on what events you did in track, all 3 should help you with rugby, volleyball with the explosiveness of hitting the rucks and launching to make a tackle.  Wrestling with the endurance of a match (though matches are 80 minutes, but not as intense as a wrestling match).  You'll have to work on ballhandling and your foot skills since you haven't played football or soccer, but you should have decent hand eye coordination from volleyball.

    The sooner you begin playing, the better you will become.  If there is a men's team in your area, try practicing with them this spring and if they do any training in the summer so you can be a step ahead of the other incoming freshman.  There are maybe 10-20 undergrad institutes that offer scholarships for rugby across the US (that might be a high estimate) and they're mostly in Southern Cali, I know Arkansas State does, as well as Life in Georgia, and others I'm not aware of, but the vast majority of US native rugby players in the US today got their start in college.  Best of luck, and remember you'll never find another sport as incredible as rugby.

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