
Thinking of running away?Can any good come from it?

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I have never felt so lost and alone right now. And ive been thinking of running away lately in a attempt to find myself by running away i guess. I know running away isnt the best idea but i was just wondering if any good can come from it?

And if anyone has previosuly run away, if you could go back would you have not done it?




  1. When have you ever heard of a runaway story going well ? Most runaway stories end with them being drug addicted, living on the street, often prostituting themselves to survive and blaming society for their problems... or dead... or for some, they just disappeared and no even knows what ever happened to them...

    Perhaps it's merely the circles I run in, but I don't recall ever hearing a positive outcome for a runaway... where everything turned around, and they lived happily ever after.

  2. i left home at one point, i went to new york on money i borrowed from my younger brother, snuck out the bedroom window and i was on my own. scarey. i managed to survive--it was hard and i was lucky. but after three months i went back home. it turned out ok. but i would not recommend it. sort of think of all those little baby fish who get hatched at the same time, most don't survive on thier own. so chances are slim that it will be a "good" experience. many people will prey upon you simply because you are young and defenseless. no matter what is your issue right now, it will change. so either tough it out there or try to find someone that you trust to talk to. in any event, you have to do the right thing for yourself but be smart about it.  

  3. No!

  4. I ran away once.

    If I had the chance to erase that I did it I wouldn't. Because it's a part of my history and it makes me.

    But no. No good comes from it.

    You almost always end up going back anyway.

    And even if things seem bad now, you WILL look back on this a reflect how you were overreacting. And what a waste it had been to put that emotional strain on both you and your family.

    Of course, I ran away because my mom was a drug addict but hey...

  5. There is no point to running away as whatever it is your running from if emotional will follow you and your feel exactly the same in a new place.Your best bet is to talk to soemone about how you are feeling such as family/doctor/friends anyone you feel you can trust etc and work through your problems,even if it takes a while. Life does get better so chin up

  6. my cousin "female" tried to do a runner, she felt down and very emotional after her "Boyfriend" dumped her. it was terrible, she was gone for 14 weeks and when they found her she had been took by an elder man who was using her for sexual harassment.

    it would be the worst time ever in your life, completely. think about it, do you want to be sexually harassed? used or even turned away from your Friends, family and relatives forever?

    please don't. for your sake and your family's.

  7. I ran away several times when I was younger. The first time was at 10 years old because of an abusive step father. My Mother was worried sick. I had my littler brother with me and we slept inside those large drainage ditches circular blocks that were waiting to be laid in place but we were hungry, cold and scared so if I could go back, I wouldn't have done it.

    The last time my brother & I were on our own trying to find a place to stay & he ended up being hurt by a stranger, I wish I could take that back.

    Especially in todays times with too many freaks out there who look for kids alone

  8. Well, I ran away several times during my teen years as well as being kicked out of my parents house.  Something I learned from the running away experience is that no matter how much you run you can't run away completely.  Feeling lost is no picnic or alone for that matter.  In order to find yourself it's best to talk to someone, sit down and make a list of things that you believe you are, write about your interests, the things that bring you joy and sadness, write about your experiences, reflect on them later.  I guess basically what I'm describing is journal keeping.  I always found that in moments where I've felt lost and alone writting about it seems to help and going back to read what I've written brings with it new perspective.  I look for what I was feeling at the time, what contributed to my feeling that way, what I could do to change it etc.

    The good that came from running away was the lesson that followed.  But you don't have to learn these lessons the 'hard way'.

    May you find peace.

  9. Well, this can get all the thumbs down they want, but depending on how old you are, how much money you have, etc running away can be a good thing.  I ran away when I was 15 with a grand in my pocket.  I had a destination in mind and a plan when I got there.  It worked out quite nicely.  Graduated from high school, went on to college, and have done okay.  It is when you don't plan and act on that rather than pure spur of the moment emotions you should be okay.  But the question is why do you want to runaway?  If it is because of family then there are avenues to fix that.  If it is to "find yourself" remember that you are you whever you are.

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