
Thinking of saying one word but a completely different one comes out of my mouth.?

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Once in awhile when I'm talking, if I get nervous, I'll be saying something about.. cars or whatever, but instead of saying engine a completely different word will come out of my mouth, even though I was meaning to actually say "engine". In the last few months it's gotten worse, to the point that it happens in my every day speech. It's hard to give out examples, because it happens randomly. Well, today my brother was playing a video game and I meant to say "Cool" but instead said "Wash" or crash.. or something. I know it's gotten bad because most the time in the middle of the 'wrong word' I'll stop talking and then say the right one, the one I was meaning to say.

I tried looking up this stuff on the web, but could only find stuttering and stumbling over words as symptoms. So now I'm turning to you guys for some advice on what this could be.




  1. Apraxia-"People with apraxia of speech know what words they want to say, but their brains have difficulty coordinating the muscle movements necessary to say those words. "

    Also, check out the site, it's a Speech Therapy site you may find useful.

  2. I am glad to find this interesting question...  Frankly-speaking I encounter the same thing too :)

    I am still unable to comprehend the logic for 'stumbling' or 'stuttering' my words even up till date...  But I realise it happens 'more frequently' when I am speaking with someone of authority, for eg my boss....  But strangely, other than that I speak well with others, like my peers, family....

    Wonder what does that mean....

  3. slow down when you talk this will help.You need to give your brain enough time to process its thoughts

  4. its a particular confusion of mind state.when u back mind is thinking abt soemthing and u r totally lost in mind and ur other part of mind want to talk abt something(urself)... it mixes up the words and creates and skips the actual word and replace with most possible word ur back mind was thinking about.that mostly happens when u r extrmely depressed and sad.not something to worry will get better if u stop worrying.  

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