
Thinking of traveling to Ireland alone...?

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I was supposed to stay in Italy for a month with my friend, but she recently backed out b/c she couldn't afford it.. I still want to travel, and my first choice was Ireland anyway, so I'm thinking of just going for it. My only real concern is I'm 21, female and going alone and I'm not too sure if I'm planning on a safe area. Anyone know about Cork, ireland? I'm thinking about volunteering while I'm there so I might be able to meet people too. Any tips/comments would be really appreciated




  1. Cork is grand, like anywhere else don't go walking the streets late at night on your own. I can put you in touch with some friends who live there, if you like.

  2. Cork or anywhere in the country like that is probably the best place to go.

    Seeing you're a 21 year old tourist, and you're a girl I would not advice Dublin. It's a big expensive place where you can get lost and there are 'bad' people there.

    I think Cork is best.

    Good Luck. = )

  3. You'll be perfectly safe as long as you take all the common sense precautions that you'd take in any city.  I think it's a lovely city with a good atmosphere and friendly people, but then I'm biased.

  4. Cork is a lovely place to visit and stay in, if you can get over the accent and the constant use of the word "like" at the end of every sentence. All of the foreign students who have stayed with my family have all said they really enjoyed Ireland, the people, the culture etc. I can't see why you would be any different, especially if you do volunteer or something along those lines.

  5. Try this site:

    You can meet people that offer a free place to stay all around the world and you can read reviews about them from people who have stayed with them. This way, you won't be alone, but you won't be staying with someone you know nothing about.

    Hope that helps. I plan on visiting Ireland by myself next year.

  6. Ireland is beautiful.  Lots to see.  visit some castles in the countries and you might want to attempt a visit to dublin, because there is so much to see there (doors of dublin, trinity college, cathedrals, etc.  Wherever you go keep your purse very close to you , probably best to be zipped up under your coat. there are a lot of pick pockets there, from children to adults.  protect yourself.

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