
Thinking to ask my bf of 6 years to marry me in Hawaii when we go on our 6th yr. anniversary. Should i?

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We have been together for 6 years - and he said before that he never wants to get married. I love him with all my heart and can't see myself with anyone else. I want to do this, just need some feedback to see if this is to desperate or not. thanks




  1. Before you go to Hawaii, maybe you should have a heart to heart conversation about your future together.  Tell him that getting married is important to you and that you want to be with him for the rest of your life.  Has he ever given you a legitimate reason for not wanting to get married?

    If you choose to propose marriage to him, be prepared for him to say no.  Also, are you sure you're reading him right?  He may not want to marry YOU.  If you aren't both on the same page (seeing marriage in your future) then it might be best to move on.


  2. Go for it!

    Hawaii is a very romantic place.

  3. At best, you will send the message that you don't listen, and you don't take him seriously (he told you how he feels, and you are going to ignore him and put him on the spot.)  At worst, you will totally emasculate him.

  4. there is nothing wrong with the girl asking..with that said.....he told you he NEVER wants to get married, what part of that don't you understand....? Hubby dated a girl for 8 years, told her 2 years into it that he would never marry again, never. She finally asked him and he said no, and broke it off. Before you ask, yes he did marry me, but he never said to me I wont ever get married. If you push it you could lose him, then again, why wait around for something that will never happen? What if he says no? then what? will he still have kids with you? if that is enough then ok.....seems like it is time to move on.

  5. i think it's a great idea!

    good luck

  6. NO!  way to ruin your vacation.  if he's said NEVER in the past, then bring it up subtly with him again, but don't just bust out a ring and ask him or he'll run run run

  7. I would never propose to a guy, just because that's tradition and that's what he's suppose to do, me and my boyfriend have been together for 5 years and we have talked about getting engaged, and i don't really care when it is, i think it will come in good time, and i don't think you should force him to if he doesn't want to!

  8. I see nothing wrong with a woman asking a man to marry her... but if he said he never wants to get married he probably means it.  Do you want to go to all the trouble and emotions of proposing only for him to say no? If you choose to try this be prepared for him to say no... Maybe you should try discussing marriage again to see if his feelings have changed at all.

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