
Thinks he's so great?

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I ran into my brother-in-law and he acts like he is the best of the best it's so annoying. I didn't even tell him which school I attend or where I live, I will let him continue to think I'm not doing as good as him, like who cares about that stuff? Are you the same, do you care how others think of you?




  1. He's a classic case of the insecure person. Those that brag have less to show for it. No, I'm not one to care what other people think, my problem is saying what I have to say and not caring how others feel and then getting into trouble. So, my issues fall under another category, but I definitely go to my own beat. :)

    Who cares what he thinks! You don't even respect the dude.  

  2. As a former bartender, I always had to listen to people brag about how much money they had etc. What did I care?  It's no difference to me what kind of car you have/boat/house.  I just found it extremley boring. People always asked me if I was in school or had another job when I said no they would be like "Oh".  I did'nt care, it never hurt my feelings if they thought being a bartender was somehow low.  Their tips over the years helped me save a lot of money for a house!  

  3. not really...people who make themselves seem bigger than they actually are have self-esteem issues especially when its to the point that they are condescending about it.....there is no harm in letting him think hes better.....just because he thinks it doesn't make it so

  4. No cuz u really should not.At the end of the day itz ya business.f what they think!

  5. Ladeebug is right. Some people, for whatever reason, just have a tendency to brag about themselves and their accomplishments. My fiance has a habit of always reminding me about what a "bad ***" he is. I'm glad he's confident, but sometimes (since I'm the opposite in that respect) it gets a little frustrating.

  6. Some people are born braggers and some are not...I could really care a less what people think of me and the braggers don't bother me at all...

  7. My brother in law is a bit the same, he cant have a conversation without telling you how much this cost or who so-n-so is and what they do for a living and how much they earn, I know he thinks we (my family and I) should be really impressed but what we are is down right bored! We tend to just say "oh yeah" and try to change the conversation or find an excuse to leave! What he hasn't woken up to yet is that as a family our values are based on what a person is on the inside not what fancy trimmings they adorn themselves with on the outside. I wish he would wake up cos he is really quite a nice guy just very boring when he gets going. Sad really.

  8. That's good of you not to care about your brother-in-law acting like he's the best. Some people need to brag and show-off to make them feel better about themselves. They want others to know that they're better, when they're just making a fool out of themselves. I'm also the same as you, I don't care when people brags about themselves. In my opinion, bragging is a selfish thing to do, when you brag, it means you want people to know you're better than them, by that what you're doing is bringing others down. I don't like bringing anyone down or make them feel like they're not as good as I am.  

  9. oh my god we have the same brother in law. did yours yell at you because u asked his bratty son to get outta your newly laid grass seed. I really dont like mine either, To top it off on mine he has $$ and my husband and I live in his hand me down trailer home I AM so depresssed about this . I hope someday they go broke  
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