
Third Graders Arrested in GA for planning revenge on their teacher?

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Ok. What a horrible teacher to have a time out place for unruly students. (dripping sarcasim here) The one girl was "time outed" for climbing on a chair or something. SOOOOO, 9 of her fellow students planned on a crystal paperweight and other make shift weapons. One kid was going to lock the door. One was pulling the blinds down and one was going to clean up the mess. Three were arrested and all suspended. The girl who was reprimanded in the first place didn't plan this but was suspended 30 days for knowing about it and not saying anything.

What are your thoughts? Mine are put all their little devious asses in jail for a bit and let them get a good dose of it. I don't care how old they were. To plan like they did, they certainly knew what they were doing. Things are way out of control nowdays. Evil little b******s. Let them get away with it now and God knows what will happen in High School.




  1. I like how you said evil little b******s. Even if it was all just a prank, to come up with such a disturbing and sick scheme, these kids are evil little b******s prank or no prank. But let's get real they were going to mess with her at least a little bit, not just throw a pie at her. They deserve harsh punishment.

  2. you do realize these kids were in a special needs class right? it states it in the article

  3. Summon their parents, individually by child, for a child welfare conference. These little kids must be watching too much of the wrong kind of TV.

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