
Thirded at town meeting?

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I live in a small town (Verona, Maine) and at our town meeting this old lady "Thirded" a resolution. The moderator then said, "Discussion?" and the old lady said "I thirded it, there ain't no discussion." The moderator then said that it was not true and the lady said it was in the Maine Moderators Manual. (I just want it from a basic area, doesn't have to be MMM could be Roberts Rules) Was the moderator right in allowing the discussion to happen? It has been burning me up for 8 months and I finally thought to ask it online. Thank You in advance for your help.




  1. I have run a lot of meetings and have never heard of "thirding".  It sounds like something she made up.

    There are several ways of limiting discussion, but none of then consist of one member unilaterally doing so.

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