Let's review since WWII:
LBJ - basically an idiot; felt all the helicopters were personally his (do you remember the story?)!
NIXON - an evil wretch consumed with hidden agendas at the expense of the country!
FORD - couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time(!), and pardoned that criminal Nixon!
CARTER - destroyed the economy and gave away the Panama Canal!
REAGAN - asleep at the wheel for eight years!
BUSH Sr. - the war president who sunk the economy(!), with the VP who couldn't spell!
CLINTON - a moral misfit who disgraced the office!
KING GEORGE - an incredibly incompetent Harvard MBA thumping the Bible and lying to beat the band!
Now we've got ...
McCAINE the POW songbird with an unknown number of houses!
OBAMA, flanked by the PLAGERIZER!!!!!!
Wow. What's next?! Maybe a clown in real clown clothes and makeup?!