
This Aussie guy called me his "MATE", is he g*y ?

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This Aussie guy called me his "MATE", is he g*y ?




  1. simple answer is "NO". Mate is used when saying hello especially when you have forgotten their name.

  2. it means friend   jst an expression

  3. It depends did he wink when he said it ,seriously no Mate is like Pal ,dude,amigo,bro,chap nothing to worry about at all

  4. To a Aussie this is funny.

    It means he thinks you a friend

  5. If you are cute he probably is.

    Enjoy. You have a lot in common.

  6. no. In australia people call each other mate even when they don't know each other.Men, women, teenagers and children all use the term mate.Hope this helps!

  7. h**l no. Its a common word used here in Australia. Same as you guys say buddy or pal. It means friend and everybody uses the word, men and women alike. Its definately not offensive.

  8. You again!.... you are simply obsessed with us Aussies aren't you, can't say I blame you we are wonderful people.

    As to the answer to your question YOU WISH!

  9. Not at all.

    Considered yourself accepted as part of his crowd you lucky suck up yank! For a foreigner to be called a "mate" here is an honour.

    Cheers, mate!

  10. That logic means 95% of Australian men are g*y.

  11. ding ding ding! tell him what he's won, Herb!!

  12. I hope this is a joke.

    P.S. No. "Mate" simply means "friend."

  13. Its the same as Americans going round calling each other "dude" are they g*y ??

  14. no but you may be

  15. yeah Mate means friend lmao

  16. No you silly sausage! Mate= friend, buddy, pal.

  17. LOL no he's not g*y. they call friends mate

  18. lol no, mate just means friend.

  19. I agree with Laura, I sure do hope this is a joke!

    but please, for my uneducated most likley American friend, mate means 'buddy' or Friend.....

  20. only if the aussie guy said (in a very seductive and feminine voice), wanna buy me a cocktail, mate? Then he was g*y.

  21. yeah,means buddy,and we dont always say mate.. hardly ever say that

  22. Mate means buddy, friend or pal. It's not an offensive term.

    Now, if he'd called you a drongo, bogan or galah then that would be offensive.

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