
This Georgia/Russia thing?

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I know I'm gonnna make myself look totally foolish by asking this question, but is it Georgia as in the state of Georgia, USA?




  1. Yeah, Georgia is a country that borders Russia.

  2. georgia is the country that borders russia

  3. No, this Georgia:

  4. No.  Georgia is a sovereign nation in the Caucasus region.  The Russians provoked it into taking back a piece of it's own land that Russia wanted to steal and then used that as an excuse to invade Georgia.  I hope the Georgian people make the Russians bleed money and lives for many years to come.

  5. Please ignore Albert Fish, he is provoking people with horrible lies, that's his work, to brainwash. Just let him do his job, he get paid for it.

    Georgia is caucasian country. Georgians repeated ethics cleansing, genocide agains osetians like in 1993. And now most of them were citizens of Russian Federation. They broke all rules, commitments and agreements they made. They broke the promise to stop fire, they made day before. They attacked even not army, but innocent citizens using carpet bombing, "Grad" missile systems, wiping everything to ash. Russian peacekeepers were attacked too and 30 of them were killed, georgian peacekeepers betrayed their mission and started to shoot russian ones. Russia had to interfere this to prevent further genocide and complete annihilation of osetians and in future abhazians.

  6. Bloody typical Americans hardly know about the Earth outside North America.

  7. God, why don't American schools teach friggin' geography?  It's the Nation of Georgia next door to Russia!

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