
This Is Pretty Gross, But Is It Normal Boy Behaviour???

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I have an 11yr old son who is going to be 12 in April. He has this awfully gross habit of picking his nose and honestly i don't care that he does it as i'm sure we all did when we were kids but my son likes to wipe his little boogies anywhere he can.

He'll wipe them on the bed rails of his bed, the bathroom radiator, the walls, the door frames and various other places.

I never ever clean it up because i make him do it so he can see how gross it is but it doesn't seem to bother him. I have spoken to the doc about this and he says its nomal for boys to act like this and says wait until he is a man doing worse things but is this truly normal behaviour for an 11yr old boy?




  1. that is normal but when he stops u will see much more gross things and things u will punish him for

  2. no, i don't think that this is normal. Boys around this age are starting to mature (slowy) and are not really into doing gross and vulgar things. but i agree with the other guy, if you want him to stop it you'll have to punish him.

    p.s if you don't punish him now, he will only grow up into a disgusting man

  3. It could be considered normal if he was like 3 or 4. I would expect a boy his age to have better hygiene. I really disagree that its totally normal for any person his age to do this - regardless of gender. I personally would be flipping out over an 11 year old acting this way. My son who will be 2 in May has already learned that picking his nose is inappropriate and goes over to the kleenex box himself to blow his nose, then throws it in the trash.

  4. Yes pretty normal...

    A good punishment, make him sit in his room until he's picked enough to line up one inch in length. Or make him go around the house and find and line up 1 inch in old boogers, if he can't find enough he better go digging.

    It adds a little humor, AND it has him clean up his own mess.

  5. Yes, it is normal, unfortunately :)

    Boys are gross.  He will grow up and get over it!

  6. NO it isn't!  I stopped my daughter from doing that at 3!  You should care that he does it, it's disgusting!  Does your home not have kleenex or toilet paper?  I would not only make him clean it up, but punish him as well!  It's only normal to those who have not been taught differently!

  7. I am preggo with a baby boy on the way- I sure hope he doesn't do that- it would gross me out- honestly, though sounds completely normal- boys will be boys! He probably thinks it's funny...

  8. not really...

  9. well im 14 and i never picked my nose, i made fun of the kids who picked there noses, make him eat his bogars and maybe he'll stop lol

  10. a suitable punishment maybe like no games console or computer for a night.. having to hoover the whole house.. having to go to bed early.. being grounded for a night for everyone you find? just small things

  11. Very normal;-)

  12. Yes, its completly normal!  Although its unfortunate for you.  Can i suggest making him clean up all of the ones you find or the ones you see him do.  Just dont let him have his fun privaleges (like tv and videogames) till they are all cleaned up.  And every time you see him do it, offer him a tissue.  Since he is just moving into adolesence it may be a good idea to explain to him how disgusting girls think it is.  Making him wash his hands when you know he picks his nose is a good idea too!

    Good luck!

  13. It's abnormal that girls don't do it.

    Just say this to him:

    If you must rummage around inside your head and pull bits of your brains out, wipe them on a tissue. If you keep on doing it, I'll pick some out of my nose and wipe my boogolas on you....and mine are reeeeeaaaaalllly gross!

    I'm so glad I'm not a doctor. I'd be saying "Thank the Lord he hasn't worked out how to roll the boogers up in to a ball and flick them!"

  14. no it is not normal he should have stopped around 5 or at the most 9

  15. Yes, all kids pick there nose sometimes.

  16. My 3 year old has his finger up his nose all the time.  I think he needs help too.  :P  It's a boy thing.  My son will chase his sister around wiht a booger on his finger threatening to wipe it on her.  :\  If he doesn't do that he eats them.  yeah it's gross, but he's a boy.  :)

  17. that is gross.  Make 'em clean it off and then eat 'em, see how much longer he does it for.   I'd feed his own snot to 'em.

  18. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. My fiance still does that. I caught him wiping it on the couch the other day and I freaked out on him!

    edit: thanks for the pointless thumbs down jerks

  20. wait till he starts leaving crusty tissues around...

  21. Im a guy and I think it is completely normal. Hes wiping it on everything because it is convenient. Guys are lazy by nature so hes wiping it on the nearest thing to him at that moment. And of course it wouldnt gross him out to clean it up, hes the one that picked it out of his nose haha.

    Try and teach him that it is not 'proper' to wipe it on things and teach him to grab a tissue. Perhaps put a box of tissues next to his bed or soemthing.

  22. The picking your nose part is perfectly fine. But you should show him some videos on germs, thatz wut i did to my little brother and it worked.

  23. Just go along with things as you are for will stop but in years to go to his house and pick your nose and wipe boogie's on radiators etcs....

  24. yup! fraid so...and your docs right does get worse!!! (with girls too!!)

  25. Yeah, pretty much a normal thing kids do.  However, that doesn't mean that you can't instill better habits in him, such as using a tissue or handkerchief instead.  While there isn't much wrong with your son that needs to be worried about, you're still his parent and thus, have a say in what kind of habits he practices in your house.  I wouldn't stress about it too much, and good job on making him clean it up himself.  I'd probably ground him for it too (such as no video games or tv), but I'm pretty strict and many might not agree with me.  In a year or two he'll get more serious about girls and perhaps straighten out himself, but regardless, he's just doing things that kids (girls and boys) do.  Just keep trying and good luck.  No worries.

  26. yes.  i'm 27 and i just wiped a booger on my laptop.  jk but seriously it's very normal.  start punishing him if you want him to stop.

  27. I think it is quite normal yes. My cousin is 19 and he still does it. It's so gross.

    You should just discipline him when he does it - say he can't go out to play with his friends if he does it or something

  28. you aint seen nothing yet.

  29. um you need to tell him that he is not a kid anymore. and if he needs to pick, he needs to get himself a tissue and pick it out, or pick it out with his bare fingers THEN wipe it on the tissue and wash his hands afterward....

    and calm down its just nose-picking. you don't have to go call the doctor just for that.

  30. Look on the bright side, it could be worse....

    He could be eating them instead of wiping them all over the house!!!

  31. It's a bad habit and I still pick my nose shhh...I'm a mother too.  My 7 yr old picks his nose but, eats them ewww....

    By making him clean his own boogers is probably the only thing u can do.  Teach him that he has to make sure his fingers are clean & his nails r trim.

    Mommy of 3 & Professional Noser Picker

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