
This Is Serious?

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Someone i know is taking some sort of drugs. They smoke in a glass tube but not like a meth pipe. THe glass tube is the length of a cigarette but there is no filter like. I need to know what this is. And i already know this person needs help, just give me clues to what it may be. Allso when they order it i heard them say They wanted two dubs. What could this be?




  1. crack

  2. IDK but i would look online like google it wat dubs mean or something like that or i think it might be pot or something like that

  3. A "dub" is a $20 bag of marijuana.  And yes your friend can smoke this out of a small glass tube.

  4. Your friend is free-basing Cocaine, it an advanced stage of coke addiction, he needs help before he starts experimenting with crack, if he says hes not addicted he is, stop him before it takes his life, and his soul. It may also be weed but i don't think they are any glass pipes, but if he was getting 2 dubs that is evidence that it just might be pot. If its spherical at the bottom and has a short stem, its coke but 2 dubs might mean he wants $40 worth, dealer have different units names.

  5. crack?!? don't really know watch intervention on a&e they show people using drugs and tell what it is

  6. Two dubs is probably just two $20 bags of weed.

  7. Its weed that they are smokin.

  8. maybe crack or coke I'm not sure I dont really know anything about drugs just what I hear on tv. Good luck with helping them. You are being a true friend for trying to help them.

    Or it could just be pot. again I dont know I'm sorry I wish I could help you more.

  9. sounds like crack.  Probably not weed.  And if he is addicted, I hate to say it, but you can't help him until he wants help.  My brother was addicted to coke for 2 years and he would never get help until he realized he needed it.  Also, a good website to visit to find out more about drugs and their effects on people is  You can find any and every drug there.  I'm sorry your friend is going through this and you have to watch.  But he won't realize how deep he is until he hits rock bottom.  If he isn't addicted yet, you may still be able to use your friendship as an ultimatum.  Just give it to him straight, and tell him how you feel.

    Again, I'm sorry.  I know what it's like to be close to someone and lose them to drugs.

  10. Could be crack.  You should talk to him about his problem.

  11. While all of the contributors here have good suggestions forr what it might be, the only way to know what he has in his system is to test him.

    Although knowing what his drug of choice is will help health care to treat him, it's very possible that he may be absorbing other chemicals that are harming him. Examples:

    --cocaine is sometimes cut with unreconstituted (powdered and undiluted) anesthetic agents (the sort of things dentists use to numb you up!) or ephedrine (can increase the user's heart rate to dangerous levels of lead to heart failure)

    --marijuana can be adulterated with PCP, silica or glass particles, etc. Inhalation of melted glass particles has landed some users in the hospital with serious lung injury

    --heroin is sometimes cut with quinine or strychnine; strychnine in particular can cause extreme muscle convulsions, paralysis, and even asphyxia b/c muscles used in breathing cannot move and the person suffocates

    --meth? meth has so many contaminating things in it, I don't have space to list them all. Suffice to say they're bad for you.

    I hope this helps--the bottom line is that while making an educated guess will help you determine which kind of help service to approach, you won't know what you're dealing with until he's tested.

    Good luck to you!

  12. Marijuana, Cannabis, Chronic, Method, Weed, Pot, etc.

  13. dude im sorry but idk u should ask ur friend what the heck he/she is taking

  14. it could be weed, crack, probably weed, thats the most common drug. but there is no telling what it is unless u see the drug. meth can be used all types of ways noth just in a big pipe.

  15. its weed, pot, marijuana, dope or however you call it bud

  16. They are smoking marijuana. Dubs refer to a bag of weed that costs twenty dollars. The glass tube is called a pipe if it has a bowlish part at the end. If it is just straight like a cigarette, it is probably a hitter.

    Although it is an illegal drug, it is among the least harmful of street drugs out there. If you are concerned confront your friend. Google "dangers of marijuana" and "pros of marijuana" so that before you confront him or her, you are well informed about the pros and cons of marijuana. If you can't get anywhere, try and be accepting if at all possible, although I know this can be hard.

  17. Is it weed?  The glass tube could be a one-hitter.
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