
This Is The 4th or 5th Dream...Why do I keep Dreaming about them?

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There's This Acquaintance That I Have had short Dreams about at least four times in the past month.I'll only skim through 3 here:

The First one I remember had us in a college setting and she was teasing my friend(She's been called mean in real life...I find this hostility amusing). I was sitting in front of her and she decided to insult me instead. I told her I wasn't in this and went back to work. Suddenly She got up and kissed me on my cheek. I freaked out and asked her why she did that and moved to another seat.

The Second Was in a similar setting but instead someone was joking with me and she smiled at me and suddenly said, "thanks for being such a good friend."

In real life I am not her friend so why would she say that?

The last one was in some cold rural place and I was in some strangers house. This man was a molotov cocktail maker/farmer. Weird..anyway there was a knock at the door and there was that girl again with a fellow classmate. They asked if they could come in and I told the girl that she could come in but the other person had to stay out(I was joking not serious)

Dreams Rarely Have an Obvious meaning, right?So this is confusing me. Thanks for any help.




  1. Frist of all you have to admit to your self that you have somesort of feelings for this girl or she would not be on your mind so much. You proably dont lke some of her ways so maybe thats why you have not made your move yet, so just let her know how you feel and your dreams will proably stop.

  2. It sounds as if you're not taking enough things seriously and your subconscious isn't going to let you rest until you do.  What it wants you to address first is not taking cruelty seriously.  I applaud it.  Cruelty is, to me, the worst possible activity for a human being to engage in.  Many other people feel likewise.  Cruelty should be discouraged.  Not laughed at or engaged in.  Start thinking consciously about these things and I bet your subconscious/conscience will start to give you a break.

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