
This Is What You People Don't Get About Twilight!?

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I am not trying to be rude about anything of twilight. I am just saying the fourth book ruined it all for me. The little mistake Renesme was never suppose to be born. There are not suppose to be any fluid in a vampire at all. The story didn't come out with any action. They all forgave and forgot. The book to me was a total let down.Jacob is a great person and through the whole book he felt like c**p besides with that little parasite of a baby. I don't Care if Edward is a hot sparky vampire that makes your heart swoon. He should suffer just like Jacob sometimes. I know some of you are going to say he did suffer. No he didn't not as much as Jacob did. So I want to know you opinions! Please tell me. And P.S To some of you: This is not to be rude this is to say what I think of SM Ruining the series.




  1. Personally, i don't agree with you at all. i read a book thinking that the story that is being told a way. The story was always going to turn out to be that way. I also acknowledge that someone wrote this book and could have done anything with this story, but they wrote it the way they wrote it, and that's not going to change. So if i don't like something that happens in the story or don't agree with it, or overall just don't like it, then i think of that as my opinion and i oh so much wish it would have gone this way or that but life just isn't fair, and not that the book sucks or anything. now some books just don't have a good plot or good characters or good description or things like that, but that is definitely not the case in the twilight series, which i am huge fan of. In breaking dawn there are a few things i don't like, but overall i think the book is great. this book had no action or 'fight scenes' because it didn't need was just a very intense, romantic..face in the book for five hours straight kind of story, just as the other three books were, except they had fight scenes because that is where the story took the characters to.

  2. I am indifferent as far as who Bella should have chosen, though I do hold a special place in my heart for the Jacob's of the world. I did not think there was much wrong with the final book, though I must say I did not like the ending. I must disagree that Stephenie ruined the series. Just because you didn't like the way she ended does not mean she ruined it. She took her creative liberties as much as she wanted.

    If you've read "New Dawn", the essay compilation book that Border's released, you'll know that vampire stories changed as the world needed them too For example: In the Middle Ages, people needed a way to explain death by strange diseases, so the story changed from the ancient ones. Sexual desires were prohibited from being spoken about in Victorian times, so books like "Dracula" were released as a way to speak the fantasies of people, and thus changed the vampire story again. Vampires are merely folklore and/or mythology. We have no proof that they actually exist now or ever (with the exception of the historic figure Vlad the Impaler, whom, might I add, is not to be messed with). Their story and everything about them can be changed as the times see fit, just like most other myths and legends (see: the different versions of the Bible). It makes sense that Stephenie could change the myth of vampirism to fit her story. Anyway, there is a creature called an incubus (which is mentioned in her book) that is perfectly capable of impregnating a mortal woman, so why not have a "normal" vampire do it?

    I'm not saying I agree (I tend to stick to ancient lore of vampires; you know, burning in the sun, no crucifixes, fangs, etc), I'm just playing Devil's Advocate on this one. Though I do agree about Jake, and I dislike how he had to imprint on something so like Bella.

  3. um...i kinda felt like i was reading a fanfiction story (its like this site where u write ur own version of the book) and i think she was trying to please all of her fans and i wish that she would hv been more interesting if maybe she never got pregnant, but instead a third character comes along and gives her a potion that will change edward back into a human.....but she doesnt noe if she wants to tell him bc he has a great family etc etc

    also i never connected w. bella and i think that the question of never dying and living forever was never really addressed as opposed to tuck everlasting......

  4. though i agree with you on some points, i have NO idea what you're talking about jacob suffering more than edward. in my opinion, that's completely false

  5. i am TOTALLY a twilight fan, but i think the 4th one was a dud. it was just a typical kind of book, then u kno!!! but the rest of the series made up for it i think

    plus bella was really weak in that one!!!


    I hated that little h**l spawn thing from the moment Bella realized she was "late."  I never understood really why they all cared so much about that thing (yes, THING),  And although I liked hearing from Jacob's perspective, I didn't like that SM took us away from Bella when we needed to be inside her head the most.  Maybe if Meyer had shown us (rather than just told us) what Bella felt for it, I wouldn't hate it so much.

    I also didn't like how "neat" it all was.  Bella got everything she ever could want.  She got to keep Charlie in her life, she got her perfect little h**l spawn child, she got her best friend in her life forever, and she got Edward.  Everything that could have come to something interesting was a let down.  And what was the deal with J Jenks?  Why go into all that and then have it come to nothing?

    Well, for me the series ended with Eclipse.  But I couldn't just leave it like that.  I'm not good at letting things go.  I have to fix them.  So, I'm writing another version.  A version that's closer to the "natural" (as natural as vampires and werewolves can be) progression of the story.

    If you feel like reading it, I have it here

    and I promise it has no mutant creatures in it.

  7. Amen!

  8. They are coming out with another Twilight book It is like Twilight, but it is from Edwards view. It is called Midnight Sun.

  9. I know i think Stephanie Myers was hitting the bong when she wrote this book. I mean seriously, breaking your spine during childbirth?!?!?!? you would be paralyzed, but no she was practically A.O.K.

  10. this book is FICTION and she can do whatever she wants with it BECAUSE IS NOT REAL!!!!

    thats what makes it fun

  11. Edward suffered the whole time Bella was human...because he loved her...

    and the venom works as sperm. If it was sperm he had Renesmee would have been all-human...but the venom inside her makes her all-vampire.

    Stephenie Meyer explained it.

    Research your questions before you ask them.

  12. i totaly agree with you!

  13. US PEOPLE???? Nice headline =[

  14. Ok your right because the author wrote that book before them all  

  15. renesme is a human half vampire. you feel like jacod did when bella was pregant. but edward did suffer emotionally.and maybe it needed more action but im an edward fan . well actually im a emmett and rosalie fan.

  16. i think it wasnt as good as the other ones because it was coming to an end. and i ever thought about the whole fluid thing. your right thats messed up. i honestly don't know what to say cuz ur right about all of those things. Jacob did suffer but when he imprinted on renesmee he basically forgot all that and realized the only reason he was drawn to bella in the way he was, was because it was the child he was drawn to. but i know where ur coming from, i think it couldve been better

  17. THANK YOU the only book i liked was the first one

  18. ummmm woah woah woah wait darling. dont even get me started. but yeah sure whatever jacob suffered. but so did edward,you think edward didnt suffer enough?? are you crazy. i would say he suffered a lot more than jacob. edward had to sit there and watch his WIFE slowly and painfully DIE. when there was nothing he could do. and he knew it was his fault, that the only thing hes ever loved is basically being tourtured until she died. jacob knew the whole time that bella would end up a vampire, sure he was suffering because he THOUGHT he loved her, but oh yeah...he DIDNT actually love her!! he loved her daughter! did you forget that?

    help please!;...

    thanks for the answer but your WRONG. Edward thought bella was going to die before she could turn into a vampire. And im not just saying all this against jacob because i dont like him. i was on team jacob UNTIL  bella just had renesmee and they were trying to save her. jacob just gave up on her and left, when edward stayed and ended up saving her life. and i dont get why you hate renesmee so much. it seems like you like jacob more, and renesmee makes jacob happier since he was "suffering" so much. And Edward was suffering more just because it hurt him to see bella hurting. And there was nothing he could do to make her better.

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