
This Kid at youth club follows me around...?

by  |  earlier

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so hey,

i go to this youth club like once a week, and i started to talk to this little fat, ugly, loner kid that sat in the corner and i was juz a one night friendship thing you-know. But a few weeks later, i joined my mates in a corner and he followed me, walking like i do, and then me and my friends start talking, and he acts like he's part of the convo.

and everyone's like wtf??? but no1 said anything.

And so on. I get my phone out to read a text and he gets his phone out, thn i put it st8 away and so does he

I know i sound horrible but he's really P'ssing me off. You would know if you were me or my mates.I want to tell him to take a hike but how?






  1. I understand what you mean, and no you don't sound horrible. I've been through that too! He probably thinks that you want to be his friend because you went up to talk to him. I'm not sure what you can do. If you tell him to take a hike, it might hurt him. But if you don't care about hurting him, then go ahead. What my friends and I would do is tell the girl that we have to go somewhere else (library, class, gym,) and then just walkaway. She eventually got the hint.

  2. He's one sad kid. If you get past being arsed, you might find he's a great person inside. I have learnt to be kind to all people. Sometimes the ugly ducklings are true swans.

    As your mates, just maybe they aren't thinking the way you do about it.

    Best luck with your decision!

  3. just ask him to leave you alone

  4. you first open your mouth, then you talk!

  5. Just ignore him.  He`ll get the message   - eventually.

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