
This Memorial Day, are you remembering The America we had before 9/11 and before The Iraq War?

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I think we need a moment of silence for "Days Gone By" and to reflect on that time ... and hopefully someone will find a way to bring prosperity and peace back to our nation.




  1. Indeed prior to 911 this nation at least could be fooled into thinking we were acutually free.

    Free from illegal search and seizure,

    Free to speak even if your views did not coincide with mainstream media and the government.

    Free to ask questions when reports are clearly not following the laws of physics.

    Free from being tasered when pulled over for a traffic violation,

    Free from torture ,

    Free to know our great nation was the only nation to ever put into law a constitution which gave everyone individual liberty, not because we are part of a group but as a individual.

    Free from such deceitful documents that remove Habeaus Corpus,Posse comtatus in other words free from the PAtriot act.

    Free to fly on a plane with a bottle of water or your nail clippers.

    Free to think our country only went to war in defense of our liberties and not to start wars. Never was America thought of as a country that started wars but to defend liberty and declare war only when the all alternatives were exhausted.

    Free to believe our kids could join the military for respect and strength to serve without fear they would be cast into illegal wars in which the majority of their country disagreed with.

    Free to think we would spend our hard earned tax dollars keeping America strong and defended here at home instead of sending our national guard to illegal wars and having private military militias guarding our land only answering to the excutive branch ie BUsh and Cheney.

    Free from the thought any government would ever try to invent another Fatherland security like Hitler did to his people, we now have Homeland security which agendas meet the same criteria as Fatherland security.

    Free from Concentration camps like those in Germany of the 30's FEMA has now over 800 detention centers throughout America, they were granted 400 billion to do so by the president and our corrupt congress and senate.

    So now for the first time in history we face a huge challenge whether to fight for this goddamn piece of paper as it was so elegantly put by the decider aka GWB or follow our TV and media and go along with these injustces and watch our kids never be able to experience freedom as we did.

    God bless us all that are capable of thinking and trying to get our country back.

    "Let it not be said we did nothing" - Ron Paul

  2. No. Quite honestly, I am remembering the sacrifice of those who have defended the freedoms I hold so dear. This goes far beyond 9/11, the Iraq War, WWII and WWI. Where would we be today if our forefathers had not stood up to the Stamp tax or if Lincoln had allowed the south to secede unchallenged? Throughout the ages, we have relied on a military built of volunteers. Throughout the ages many families have sacrificed. Today is a day to remember, reflect on and honor those sacrifices. It is a day to stand up and be proud to be an American and to say thank you for those who have purchased and retained our freedoms for us. Do not dare lessen their sacrifice by making this a political or social statement about 9/11 and the Iraq War.

  3. Nope. I'm remembering the men and women that gave their lives during WWI and WWII and Korean and Viet Nam, the attack on the USS Cole, the Gulf War and the Iraqi War. I'm remembering, also, the men who fought and lived so that we might still be free and safe and not be living under the tyranny of people who lop off your head because you don't believe in their Allah, or because you may be Jewish or some other Religious reason.

    There have always been wars and there will always be wars. It is not a recent phenomenon.. I remember rationing during WWII when we gave up gas, sugar, meat,  rubber----anything the troops could use. What have you sacrificed for the troops since 1992.

    Think about it and have a wonderful Memorial Day.

  4. no i wasnt but thanks for reminding me (sarcastically)

  5. Yes i am ... My husband was in desert storm. It does not matter what war they was in or if they was in any. We need to remember that they are all out there serving our country. And not just today EVERYDAY!!!

    Good Bless  The USA

  6. We have a memorial day in the Uk. We remember the dead. from all conflicts. Asking for peace to return to a nation is not to be scolded. Its a valid question/statement of intention and hope.

    Perpetual war is not the answer, and neither is making the political justification smrardin did as to why people died(to maintain freedom) Is your "freedom" greater than anothers?

    Alluring to Iraq and 9/11 as shaman did, is totally valid,  In that the men of power sought the conflict, and one was a result of the other.

    And the war in Iraq is not about retaining your freedom, as past conflicts were, its about maintaining a lifestyle, and there is a difference, its about oil and power.

    Attempting to Americanise the world is not the answer and respecting the dead whilst hoping for a future of prosperity and peace is no bad thing.

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