
This Ms. Palin... is she a cougar?

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  1. I don't think she preys on younger men. However I am sure there are many men out there that think she is a MILF

  2. No. She's not. Nice try though.

  3. I heard her speak on Fox - I liked her - what I saw , she seems Ok, but she didn't inspire me with anything that would make me vote for her party.

    Whilst Hillary's speech, motivated me, gave me hope, made me believe, and stirred my emotions, Hillary's speech was about us, the average joe blow, our needs, what should be done, about real change, real challenges, and United Party commitment towards those goals.

    I'm no fool, (the Republicans have the same lobbyists as last election, it'll be another 4 years of the same with the same policies) Obama got it right "This election is not about personalities, its about us, the american people, our needs, our interests" (8 years is enough)  

    It's our time. Vote Obama

  4. Do you have a clue what a "cougar" is?

  5. No you idiot.  

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