
This Q is ONLY for ppl UNDER the age of 18 ?

by  |  earlier

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ok this is my question and the reason it is ONLY for people under the age of 18 is because the people above the age of 18 will get asked this Q in November. so here is the Q I'm going to ask who would you rather have elected for Presidency and WHY?

Barack Obama and his V.P. Joe Biden


John McCain and his V.P. Sarah Palin

* and dont forget to include why!*

****** I'm not revieling my answer because it may cause other people to change their Opinion just so they can get Best answer i will reviel my answer when a best answer has been chosen!******




  1. i watched obama's speech last night and i was pretty amazed. so i would say Obama and Biden. Obama represents change and i think this country is in need of some change, especially after this unnecessary war. But we can only hope the Barack keeps his promises and does what he says he's going to do.

    And i'm not sure about john mccains VP. What if something happens to John Mccain? Would Sarah Palin be ready for President??? I've never heard of  her in my whole entire life. I mean it's great that she's running and would be first woman VP. I'm just not sure if it's the right one.

    Polotics is sometimes hard to understand so you really have to keep up with it. And a lot of kids just follow their parents footsteps. Well, my grandma and grandpa always FORCE republican stuff on me and she's always like, better start working on her now...and i can tell you  it gets irritating when i barely know about the two parties.  

  2. either. im 14 btw. its time for change in our gov't system and we can either have a black president or a woman vice. either works for me.

  3. john mcCain and his vp because barack obama is only a good speaker,he dosent say anything when he talks,plus the only reason most people are voting 4 him is beacuase he is suposably black,they just want to make history!(the reason i said supposably is beacuase i think he has a little middle east in him) if not then he is sooo pale

  4. obama..his family used government aid to BREAK their CYCLE of poverty. single mother on food stamps using financial aid and student loans to get this smart kid to harvard.. their family probably no longer needs the help of government aid..but now they are paying it forward...

  5. Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

    * He was against the war like I was from the start

    * He thinks we should at least TRY to get some universal health care

    * Pro-Choice

    * (Hate to say it) I'm sick of Bush

    * Against Unwarranted wiretapping

    * Reform immigration

    Although I still disagree with him on several other issues, but these are the top reasons.

  6. Barack Obama and his V.P. Joe Biden!!! They represent change while McCain and Palin just want to continue the failed Bush policies. Oh and btw, Obama graduated from Harvard while McCain graduated in the BOTTOM 5% of his high school class

  7. its obvious...

    kids under 18 love Obama because its COOL to love Obama...he has a myspace page, likes ludacris, listens to hip-hop, he smoked pot, and he does lots of youtube....obviously stupid kids are going to love that.


    McCain is just not cool like Obama

    and kids like voting whats COOL

  8. Barack Obama and his V.P. Joe Biden

    they represent a movement i want to be a part of

    i turn 16 0ctober 3

  9. Obama and Biden. Just turned 16 this August.

    1. First, because I like their fusion of economy and energy policies. No tax increases unless you're in the top 5% of earners, and invest new jobs in solar, wind, geothermic energy solutions.

    2. Because I love that their foreign policiy would be one of tough diplomacy, clearheaded, rational judgement, and listening to what others in the world have to say INSTEAD OF war mongering, fear mongering, impulsive, trigger-happy attitudes that demonize countries that don't like us, which actually increases tensions instead of relieving them.

    3. Because by involving every ordinary person in the political process and proving that they will listen to what we have to say, they would restore DEMOcracy. DEMO means people, and lest we not forget that this country was founded by the people, of the people, and for the people.

    4. Because they are the perfect balance. Change and a clear vision and a talented for bringing people together and a thoughtfulness and intelligence that is needed ...coupled with extensive depth of knowledge and proactive experience to know how to make the change happen

    5. Bringing more people health care

    6. And focusing on what really counts in education - not meaningless robotic standarizard tests, but early education and a system that rewards real learning.

  10. I aint under 18, but you can't censor me sista!!!  Puttin an age limit on this question...what are ya a professional pollster?

    I vote for McCain, because us blacks in the less fortunate communities know that Obama is a phoney.

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