
This Riddle is a Cracker!!!!(post answer in 10)

by  |  earlier

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This is a toughie

If James has a carrot for breakfast and an onion for lunch and then use's the local cafe for egg rolls on a tuesday, how can we be sure he is a Police officer?




  1. that's a tough one, but i'm sure its got something to do with donuts lol

  2. hmmm... that is a toughie..

  3. has a box of Krispy Kream doughnut for dinner!?

  4. He has his police suit on!

    Dang this makes me hungry...

  5. he goes to a cafe and cafe has doughnuts? idk. lol

  6. He buys doughnuts at the shop on Wednesday?

  7. dunno . .  

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