
This Topic is the most frustrating to read the answers on..?

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SO who can explain why 30 years ago the trend was cooling(ice age), and the last two years the polar ice was further south than ever recorded, and why "la nina" is here in yet again (cooler water off the pacific coast) To me the data supports global fluctuations in temp!! Natural or un-natural???




  1. It's a myth that scientists were predicting an ice age in the 70's. There was nothing more than a handful of non-scientific articles and a little speculation about the possibility (which still exists) of our planet going back into an ice age some day in the future.

    The 30 year (normal time at which climate trends are determined) trend of global temperatures was actually flat to slightly increasing during the late 70's (30 years ago).

    The Arctic ice was at a record low in 2005 and another low (breaking the 2005 record) in 2007.  The 2008 is trending in a way that looks like it will exceed 2007's record by September.  Clearly the ice returns every winter (for now), but it's thinner ice which melts much more quickly the next summer.  It's important to keep in mind the difference between ice mass (the amount) and ice area.

  2. I can say the earth's tempreture is never constant and it always changes

  3. As you've pointed out, we were suppose to have an ice age 30 years ago...that's what the experts said back then. Go back 100 years and the media covers the experts predicting 2 full cycles of heating and cooling.

    So I'd say that makes this a natural trend.

    Problem is, it might just be a natural trend, but that doesn't mean that the cycle will be exactly the temperature, like humidity, similar rain falls, etc. And that is just the latitude that these enviro freaks need to claim there's a climatic change. They make the assumption man is the cause of it without any real proof. They make up weather models in a laboratory and can interpret them any way they want. And yes, co2 in an enclosed laboratory experiment does result in warming, but the world is not a laboratory, not all things are equal. We know now that hot weather doesn't increase hurricanes. We know now that co2 isn't warming the earth since temps in 2007 dropped 1/2 a degree..due to less sunspot activity. And for those of us that were intelligent and didn't listen to the hype...we already knew that the sun was the main cause for the earths warming.

    If one took the calculations that even GW god Al Gore himself submitted, even if we totally believed and turned our lives upside down to combat this supposed problem (hoax) we wouldn't be able to make a dent. So, since the world hasn't self destructed in the thousands of years of mans existance, one can only conclude that man is still, by and large, an insignificant force compared to God's world. our effect is very minimal. its a shame that all these enviro freaks can't put their efforts into something more useful and actually accomplish something instead of whining and getting rich off of people.

  4. Because the Earth's climate changes.  Take a class.

  5. The Earth's temperature and weather was never consistent and never will be.  It changes all the time whether we drive to work and heat our homes or not.  The only difference is today some people want us to pay for the right to live somewhat comfortably by paying a shady tax on an alleged problem.

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