
This aquaintenance friend of make a long story short,?

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kept ACCUSING her friends of "Liking her husband"...who unfortunately was creepy....(but we did NOT tell her that). Finally she accused me..I was SHOCKED !!!...After I gained my composure, I said to her.."I am NOT INTERESTED in your husband...and if you keep assuming i am we will not be friends"...But i said it nicely. Pretty soon she lost all potential friends...DO YOU THINK SHE KNOWS BY now.?????Later, . I heard through the grapevine they got a divorce..and I will not ever be her friend again and neither will the others..You are never suppose to accuse people of something with NO PROOF, otherwise you will definately lose them as friends. What is your opinion,?.,.That was the first and last time I HAD BEEN falsely accused. So i told her how i felt....nicely. By the way, I chose to not call her anymore. I just wanted her to REALIZE??!!! She was in her 30's at the time...




  1. I think this situation is very childish and ridiculous for a woman her age. When I first read what you were saying I could have sworn you were just out of high school. I cant believe that women in their 30s still act like this. Look let me tell you, any person who will accuse you for no reason is either crazy or jealous either way its not a great trait for a friend. I say you just leave her the h**l alone and move on with your life. You are obviously better off without her and so is her ex husband. Run dont walk!!! Hope that helped.

  2. She obviously knew there was something missing in her relationship and thought he'd find it with someone else so was paranoid about who and where he was going to find it.  She doesn't know why she lost all her friends and I'm sure she doesn't know why she lost her husband which is probably for the same insecure reasons.  She was probably accusing him all the time of looking at you and all her other friends.  He probably got sick of it and called it off.  It's very sad when someone is so unhappy with themselves that they don't allow the world to shine on them rather they see the world as some demonic meddling opponent.

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