
This article about the Georgia-Russian War says it all, don't you think?

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The above link leads to an article about that war and I'm wondering if you agree with it, or if you don't to please point out its deficiencies.

I think it's right on the money.




  1. i liked the article- at least there some truth is in the press.

    i think people, especially in America, need to start thinking, and not to jump into conclusions when they hear Russia that whatever it's doing is evil. People need to remember that cold war is over for almost 20(!) years. (and USSR broke up long time ago- i'm still being asked if it's USSR or Russia now!)

  2. Why your own tv channels are so unfair bullshiting your about last actions in Georgia.

    I watched CNN, NBC ,BBC and Deutsche Welle - everywhere is bullshit.

    Georgia has attacked first on 8 of august and georgian troops have killed more than 2000 civil Osetian people.

    I switched on CNN: “ Russia invades in Georgia”

    Russian troops are saving civil people, Russia is not invader.

    I know that russian media are very often unfair also,but i believe my neighbour whose relatives called from there telling him that all what we see in russian chanells is true.

    Why your mass media are bullshiting your so hard?

    Why your army helps georgians killing civil people, equpping them with weapon?

    Why US hates Russia so much?

    Please, dont be a vegetable send it forward let people in know truth.

    Dont forget about nuces,do you need 9/11 at each single town in U.S?

  3. I only read the first paragraph and I couldn't disagree more.  The UN, NATO, EU, and US haven't even begun discussing this issue with the Russians.

    In the end, I believe Russia will be forced to withdraw and leave Georgia intact.  Russia will also have to abandon its hopes of annexing the Georgian province of South Ossetia.  Georgia will become a NATO nation along with the rest of the former Soviet Republics fearing that Russia will try to conquer them as well.

    Edit:  I'll read the rest and see if my opinion changes.

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