
This awful feeling about school? URGENT?

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Ok i no some of u are like its normal to h8 skool.. But rite now its summer for me and my school starts tmmrw. When i think about it i get all depressed. Any tips to help me fight this feeling.

PS: i made this urgent cuz my skool starts tmmrw




  1. it will soon go once you get into school an catch up with friends

  2. just think abt the positives like meeting ur friends and sharing ur summer stories. new faces. HOT GIRLS!!!!  

  3. i felt the same way yesterday.  today was so much fun for me, just dont worry about it and summer 09 will be here before you know it!

  4. I also start school tomorrow and I feel EXACTLY the same way! I don't like school either, and I never really have. Just make yourself enjoy it by thinking of all the GOOD things about school. Talk to your friends and think about how you will get to see them everday. Just think - weeks go fast, don't they? And you will have all weekends off. And you will have other days off, like holidays.

    I hope this helps! Good luck! :)

  5. Ok, I have just finished school. I hated it it from the word 'listen'. But now looking back I wish I had loved it more because like my mum said to me, thoses are the best years of your life, I just said 'no way' and she was very right. I wish I was back in all my lesson, even the worst ones. I hate college, why?

    - I know no-one

    - It gets me depressed

    - I dont know where to go

    - I feel like Im on my own.

    Just think, you have 3 months to christmas, then you will be on holidays then 4 months later - easter

    then, sumnmmer and your finished really not that bad.

    Good luck and be ezxcited to go and work hard.


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