
This baby blue jay

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My cat got a baIby bluejay yesterday and he is an outdoor cat. He was alive but could not fly. My dad said he might not be able to fly because of a brokin wing I wanted to keep it to take care of it but my mom wouldn't let me I am getting real upset over this bluejay he lasted a day without dieing so is he going to make it or what. please tell me the truth




  1. Get the bird to a local wildlife rehab.  They will fix if his injuries if possible and get him released back into the wild when ready.  Do take him quickly as if the bird has any open wounds from the cat, infection can set in.  This bird may need a dose of antibiotics to help it survive.  Look here for a rehab near you:

    I would also suggest keeping your cat indoors where it is safe from many outside dangers and where it will not be able to harm native wildlife.

  2. the bird might just be in shock and can fly in a couple days, but if your dad is wright and he has a broken wing i would say he will die if you dont get help from a vet, you could also bring it to a place ware they would care for the bird, like a shelter
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