
This better post this time! Anyone else sick of .. ?

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the "HELP!? COULD I BE PREGNANT!?" questions in the Pregnancy section. They are so annoying. I come on here looking for decent questions by PREGNANT women or to have pregnant or experienced women answer my legitimate questions, and we have about thirty 15 year old girls an hour asking if they are pregnant because they had unprotected s*x or their boyfriend fingered them after masturbating. I find this so irritating! We are not fortune tellers, and we cannot predict if you are pregnant. You know MORE than we do when it comes to you being pregnant or possibly pregnant, so why ask? How the f()ck would we know? UGH .. this annoys me! :)

Sorry for the rant, just wanted to know if anyone else felt the same.




  1. I'm with you on this one one but I've got to say, Josephine has a pretty good point too! lol

  2. This question posted the first time

  3. i hate the "Help how much does an abortion cost" or "can I give myself an abortion" haha~

    Its like yea that's smart asking a bunch of pregnant women about abortion!!

    and plus not to mention all the perverts asking

    "my first time having s*x what should i do to him and give details" haha ewww some people are creeps!!!  

  4. They are teenager who are alone in this world ; why are you so judgemental and cruel ; plus this site is for every body  

  5. I asked that question once from shear panic because never being pregnant and suddenly having symptoms and other things was really scary i think some of them are just looking for a little reassurance to let them know its normal or its okay not so much harsh words. I know its annoying sometimes with the young teens coming on here and crying about every thing it just gets to you. But being someone who did that once i needed someone to tell me they'd been there they had gone through that. I almost feel for them sometimes and other times i want to smack them.

  6. I understand that some people do not know what some of the signs are. I looked things up on Google, and here before I asked. I feel that a lot of people do not really look things up for themselves.

    I keep telling a lot of girls on here that the only for sure way is to just test. Cause I read a lot, and I mean A LOT of people on here who ask if they are prego. They list all of these prego symptoms, and still ask if they are. Then they find out they are not. I mean I have had prego symptoms tons of times in the past, and I was not prego. I do not understand how people cannot see that pregnancy symptoms are so similar to period symptoms.......... heck even flu symptoms!

    And women can miss a period every now and then. I hate the "I have not had my period this month, but still get - test results....... why?" Ummm cause some people can miss a period people without it being pregnancy. I have missed a few in my past.

    I also think that people know what symptoms come with pregnancy so they think about them until they think they are experencing them when they truly are not.......... then they ask the whole am I prego thing on here. I mean I am sure if you said that if the whites in your eyes turn purple with yellow dots when you are prego a lot of women TTC would be like, "I have that! Am I prego?!"

    I feel you on the rant, and I try to help out as much as I can but it does get so dumb answering the same questions over and over

  7. i know what you mean. but, my grandma always said "there is no such thing as a stupid question"...the problem is, they are too young to understand how things really work, and are not educated enough to know any better. they are just too young.

    at least the questions are simple enough to answer, and give you an easy two points.

    of course, we could start telling people to pee on the computer and see if it turns blue, but that would just get us reported.

  8. yeah i know the feeling. there are tests, why the h**l don't they use them or just not do it in the first place.  

  9. Yes, and I find their ignorance shocking and terrifying.  Jeez, children, read a book about how one gets pregnant.  Books are ancient forms of the Blackberry.

  10. im sick of "im 9 years old could i be pregnant" and how much does abortions cost and i havent had my period in 4 months but my stomach is getting bigger could i be pregnant questions

  11. Yea ....

    But, it's annoying when people ask THIS question too.

  12. youre exactally right!!!

    my son is 10 months old, and when i even had a thought that i might be pregnant, not once did i come on the internet to ask if i was.

    people are so stupid.  

  13. uhhh i feel the EXACT same way!!! it annoys the h**l out of me!

    if you dont know if your pregnant or not TAKE A TEST. if it comes up negative, WAIT a few days.. and then TAKE ANOTHER TEST!!!

    the abortion questions really bother me too...

    i try to ignore them but its hard when they are popping up every few minutes!

  14. Right on! My favorite one of the evening was the can I get pregnant from dry humping? LOL!

  15. this is a HELP site.

    NOT a bashing site.

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