
This boy I started to like...?

by  |  earlier

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well I thought he might have feelings back so I was happy..

i started hinting today and he seemed interested.

well i told a friend well i thought she was a friend

and she told this girl that hangs out with him

and she confronted me

she was like back off i like him and your not a threat so ******* back off..

well apparently i am is she is telling me to back off??

dose this mean he problem knows?

what do i do?




  1. i think it means that she's seen him looking at you or something and she's jealous that he doesn't like her like he likes you.. you only live once.. you should tell him how you really feel.. :) good luckk

  2. hmmm...First of all, dont get intimidated by this gal who hangs around with him!!! Yes, she might like him but if you think the guy has showed interest in you then, you have no reason to back off just cause the girl told you to do so. Now, first of all, drop in some more hints to the guy. He might be mad for you but just wants to make sure you are interested before he actually asks you out. Alternatively, If you think you are bold enough and you are pretty sure of the guys reciprocation toward you, just go and tell him You Like Him!! There would be no better way than this to kick that 'vamp' out of the scene!! Good Luck!!!

  3. well if she can hurt u back off

    help me;...;...

  4. Dont back off.

    Notice how she said that you were a threat? THAT means that this guy likes you or is interested.

    Dont let her get in the way. If you like this boy would you want him to end up eith you or her? Dont let her intimidate you.

  5. there is no right for another gal to ask you to back off from any boy because only he has the right to choose if he likes you.

    you can like him and you can try to get to know him if you want. However, I feel that most guys like the feeling of "conquering" somthing so going after him outrightly may be a bad idea.

    try to get to know him as a friend (maybe through friends) and find out more about him, sometimes when we get to know someone better, we actually find out that we are not suited to be a couple. Sometimes we like them and they like someone else. That just means that we are not meant to be a couple.

    You get a bf when both of kind of like one another and you spend more time togethe as friends and find out that you suit one another pretty well and can develop the friendship further.

    Be patient and you will find someone that you like who likes you back.

    in the meantime just try to get to know this guy. ignore the the other girl, she's just feeling insecure, anyway she's not her gf, right?

    Good Luck!

  6. hahaha! she's a spiteful little *****. You're more than just a threat, you've probably got that guy hook, line, and sinker. just reel him in. and if they can't keep hold of him, then you have to realize that they are only undermining you because they can't get you out of the competition any other way.

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