
This bump under my eye lid?

by Guest66966  |  earlier

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my eye has a little bump similar to this picture

will you please tell me what it is?and can i pop it?


I've seen this on other saying it's my "eye balls" or else I'll report you!and I'm sure other people will too!

and don't mention me going to my eye doctor cause i don't have one!




  1. It's a stye. It's like a pimple...DON't pop it.  If it doesn't go away after a week, you need to see a doctor. My friend just got his surgically removed since it was going to get infected. Put a warm washcloth over your eyes as much as posible to ease it down.

  2. when I went to the eye doctor, he said I had something like that, he said what it was, but I don't really remember, it wasn't serious, but if I were you, try to go to a vision care or something, usually there is one in WalMart, and it's not as expensive as the private places, I'd rather you be told by a professional that it is or isn't something to worry about.  Your eyes can't be replaced, you know.

  3. its probaly a stye does it hurt?if so then this maybe a stye just put eye drops in and plus about the eye doctor thing they cant help any way! dont mess with it or youll irritate it

  4. go to a doctor and get it checked out!!!!!

  5. its called a stye and dont mess with it. Leave it and put some eye drops in. its very irritating but do not pop it.

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