
This can't be right, right?

by  |  earlier

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Okay you see, I've gone through the vegetarian and vegan catagory from time to time, and what I'm seeing is rediculous. When people ask me why I'm a vegetarian I say it's because I think that killing and then eating defensless animals is really wrong...sometimes they take it as if I told them to also stop eating meat...and they tell me that I can't press my beliefs on them. Five minutes later they ask me what I want on my burger...when I clearly just stated I'm a vegetarian. Isn't that hypocritical, in a sense? Now on the site..someone will ask questions about maybe a new food to try or always get 2 or 3 people that say we need to start eating meat. What makes them think they ahve a right to tell us what we need to eat when we can't tell them?




  1. Well, I know Manda has experience with other respondents in another forum who are rude and ignorant so perhaps she can sympathise as much as I can.

    Basically, whether I am vegan or not, neither of us has the right to tell others what to do (unless a matter of law, etc) and definitely do not have the right to "shove things down peoples throats" (especially bad if talking about diet/veganism! - OK, bad pun)...

    This is called common decency, respect, politeness.

    You are right - it is hypocritical and no, it isn't right.

    "I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to your opinion".

    I believe your right to an opinion and the right to express it freely, in speech and writing, is enshrined in some countries laws....

  2. It really is hard to explain how we reconcile the ideas that it is wrong for us (veg*ns) to eat meat, and it's bad to be judgmental towards others.  I guess some people just get defensive when you tell them you think it's wrong.  You could try saying something like "I choose not to eat meat because it's just not necessary for animals to die for our food."  That might sound a little less confrontational than if you say it's wrong.  Honestly, though, if they get defensive that's their problem not yours.

    Also some people are genuinely forgetful about those things.  Try not to get mad, but just gently remind them you don't eat meat.

    The trolls on this site are a separate issue I believe.  Just try to ignore them.  On both sides, there are some of the "live and let live" type, and there are some of the preachy type.

  3. If you say it is not right who am I to argue.

  4. Being vegetarian is life's greatest sacrifice, obviously for selfless reasons. Not everyone is dare to be. But does anyone deserved to spoil your day?

    You chose to be a vegetarian among the million meat eaters... is a greatest challenge nowadays. You are not living the "Pythagoras" era.

  5. You're right!  Ya the darn meat eaters  are a pain but consider what they eat... meat  that is dead  so therefore it deadens their mind!  They are deaden to any possibility of vegetarianism being good!  The trolls are even worse they pick on everything.. vegetarian, vegans, horoscopes, religion, atheism, politics, etc.

  6. yes it is right./

    we humans are meant to eat meat and being a ******* vegetarian is not good for see being the vegetarian sucks and you live less time then meat eaters

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