
This can't be right...can it?

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Way back when, we grew our vegetables in little gardens in our yard...naturally...


Then we went big time and started using farms and insecticides and pesticides and all kinds of cides. We had to pay more for our veggies because of all of this new "technology". Now we pay more for our veggies to be grown WITHOUT all of the 'cides. How come? Shouldn't the price go down because we reverted back to normal gardening? UGH! The insanity of it all!




  1. I know what you mean.  What a lot of people crazy about organics don't realize is that it is fairly simple to grow organic food themselves.  The seeds are cheap and you will know what exactly is used on your veggies.  Like victory gardens in WWII.

  2. I know, it's messed up. But all they want is cash, nothing more. I don't even understand why, it's just paper and numbers. Money is such an abstract concept to me. The government already has all the physical gold and oil it wants. So in the end, we have nothing, all we're doing is running around playing monopoly.

  3. The resulting crop yields are less and demand exceeds supply. That is why the price is higher.

  4. well theyh vae to use more labor to keep it clean and make sure the bugs dont ewat it!

  5. Well... there's other things that are similar.  Home cooking is cheaper than fast food which in turn is cheaper than restaurant food that is more like home cooking.  The price goes way up when you start paying for someone else's labor, and more labor is involved in making a better product.   And like Ed said, supply and demand.

  6. small defined market = high prices

    if you own a exotic car, one that you couldn't get in the states normally, parts are going to be a pain to find and the price is high because there are few people in the states have something that takes that part, thus supply and demand.

    low success rate on growing and small market means high prices.

  7. you make a good point and i suppose the answer is because more people are opting for this organic option so they are milking it for all they can

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