
This cat look like its holding a sword, or is it just me? lol

by  |  earlier

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he's got that "There can be only one" look on his face haha. I figured this would make some people laugh so I'd share it. Leave captions for the picture if you like, I think its hilarious.




  1. That is a great photo, have you been sneaking your cat into the cinema to watch the The Forbidden Kingdom?


    This is my boy blocking the attack out;

  2. thats a brilllllllllliant photo, well done cool cat, he does look liking he's holding a sword yes  

  3. Kung Foo Kitty. LOL

  4. ninja cat...hehehe

  5. lol!  cute!

  6. Can you say the I'm Busted look.

    lol so cute.

    Yes he does look like he's holding a sword.

    He's cute.

  7. now very very cute you should send that picture to funniest home vidios you could get your kitty on tv.

  8. The picture reminds me of goerge of the jungle swinging on a vine right before he hits the tree. This cats name isnt goerge is by chance is it?. Goerge, goerge, goerge of the jungle friends to you and me. Goerge, goerge, goerge of the jungle. Watch out for that....................................... LOL

  9. Hahahaha! WOW! Great expression! Did you take that pic?

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