
This climate change thing?

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well, it's bollocks right ?




  1. YES it is Bollocks...Scare Mongering...Stealth Tax ETC

  2. that will take ages anyways so i thibk there will probably be a massive war or sumfin instead. i dont give it much attention

  3. yeah as if britain is going to make a massive change to evo no other country bothers and were suffering just the gov to make more money

  4. Precisely

  5. The climate is changing.  It always has.  It always will.  Not much you can do about it.  Spending money and effort to fix something that can't be fixed takes money and effort from things that can be fixed, so Pascal loses on this one (it does cause harm to try to fix something that ain't broke, because you aren't fixing something that is).

  6. No, its really very serious

  7. I think we've got more chance of world war three ending life on earth, especially they way things are lately, than global warming causing it.

  8. Of course it is .....if they were that serious ...planes would be banned ...oil would be rationed and water controlled .....But no they just p**a chuffing tax on everything and tell you its helpin ....Helping what exactly !!!!!

  9. Thats right keep kidding yourself,  idiots!

  10. A great excuse to tax us to the hilt.

    Notice the Govt. ministers still use gas-guzzler cars while preaching about Global Warming.

  11. Well actually there are three parts to this "climate change thing".  Two of these things are things which most people don't realize or refuse to acknowledge; the third is the one that the media has fixed on along with politicians and those who see a way to make money (either by obvious con men or by more covert ways such as "carbon tax" or "carbon credits".)

    1. The world's climate is warming as part of a cosmic cycle which the earth has been through many times before.  There have been several ice ages and intervening warm periods BEFORE man ever came onto the scene with tools, fire, etc.  So it is obviously a global, cosmic thing for which man is NOT responsible and, therefore, cannot reverse.

    2. A short term (100 - 200 years) change in weather does not constitute a Global Climate Change.  Whenever you  hear "never in my life have I seen so many (or so much) ____"

    (you fill in the blank:  flooding, storms, hurricanes, snow storms, etc.)  they are talking about weather NOT climate.  They will point out the record high temperatures recorded in a particular area, but ignore the record cold temperatures.  Their philosophy appears to be "if the data doesn't fit your theory, then ignore the data".  In addition, you will notice that there are never "error bars" or "percentage error" mentioned in the predictions or reports -- because the change being reported is well within the error limits of the data.

    3. There is evidence that man has greatly increased the so-called greenhouse gases in the atmosphere through his activities including burning fossil fuels, deforestation, etc.  So man's activities may have increased the warming trend somewhat -- the amount is debatable.

    So, yes, some of it is truly bollocks and some is true.  That is what the best selling stories incorporate -- just enough truth to say see here is a fact, and then jump off to speculation.

  12. Shall we apply Pascal's wager to this?  

    If it is true, then we should do everything we can to decrease the CO2 pollution in our atmosphere and make the earth a safer, healthier place.

    If it isn't true, what have you lost by making the world a safer, healthier place?

  13. This climate change thing is a very serious issue to the earth. The slightest raise in temperature of the earth can make it inhospitable to humans and other animals.

    every small change effects something else

    Example: The ice caps in the arctic are melting. These are home to, most notably, polar bears. Without ice, they have nowhere to go, which means they eventually die out. Another problem with this would be higher ocean levels and lower ocean salinity due to the increased amounts of freshwater released in the oceans.

  14. I think there's an element of truth in it but I don't think it's as bad as everyone is making out.  If that was the case, the whole world would be in a panic - not just BRITAIN! It's an ideal excuse for stealth taxes etc. I noted somewhere that GB has only two per cent emissions but the way the politicians go on, you'd think any or all problems were being caused by the Brits!

  15. WW3 will be caused by climate change

  16. I would love for it to be bollocks.  But it's very real — just ask the people of the Maldives and other island nations just how real it is when their entire nation is disappearing under water.

    It may not all be human-caused, but everyone who has taken a serious look at the issue now agrees that humans are at least part of the cause. (Even George W. Bush!!!)

    But regardless of the cause, no one with open eyes can argue that it's not happening when it's happening right before our eyes.  

    Have you considered watching An Inconvenient Truth?

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