
This co-worker of mine always stares at me i catch him and he gazes into my eyes how can we date what is that?

by  |  earlier

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he is cute shall or how can i aproach him to know i am interested? he says i am his best friend is that a brush off or a come on? and he winks at me ,if i ignore him he'll come brush up on me or say that he has feelings too , i met him in july , he is all i think about




  1. you are pretty horny, huh???

  2. Ask him for an email and then send him a link to your posted question then he will knows exactly what you feel haha.. ^_^

  3. Are you BOTH boys??

    Just curious.

    Go for it!!

    Good luck.

  4. And you asked this question in "DINING OUT" because you are planning on having oral s*x?

  5. he want's to have s*x with you badly...

  6. Go out for drinks together after work.

  7. well firstly its not hard to see that he is emothianlly invested in you, know you have to determine if he wants a relationship or a fling, seeing as he is a co-worker i work suggest the relationship because he will see you often after you take it further and a fling would feel weird for both of you. my advice is to simply approach him with the suggestion that you'd like to go out with him one day or night and see how it goes, if you think thats too forward just make small talk like "so have you got plans this weekend?" and if he answers no (which will happen at least once) say "neither have i, did u wanna hang out? grab a coffee?" confrontation is 90% of the battle, after that he'll know he's in with a chance and the rest will be up to him.

    hope this helps n good luck!

  8. talk to him

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