
This computer virus seems to be hard at work...?

by  |  earlier

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Ive been using the same virus blocker since I was a kid, paying into it regularly. They said it would protect me from viruses.

I suspect the virus got in when my provider offered "quick and inexpensive disk cleanup."

Look, it already deleted all my .sys files. I wanted that right?

Ok, now it is replicating way out of control, and using more of my computers resources than it can handle.

Its also trying to convert important files into an undecipherable code, that my computer doesnt recognize.

Will granting amnesty to the virus solve the problem?




  1. I am so busy laughing at this I don't even know how to respond.. You have quite an imagination. i never even thought of illegal immigration as a virus but you are so good.. when you find that removal disk, would you let everyone know so we can all run out and purchase it.

  2. Them virus's is ruining everything good. Stick a plastic cover on that puter until you can purify it. h***s bells to amnesty

    send em all back...........

  3. when u say hard at work do u mean than it is actually doing something for u which a large part of ur computer depends on and which large part of ur computer its actually asking it to do for it !?

    does it control anything in the computer which u actually need such as the electricity intake which in this case i would call SS !?

    has the virus been for really long inside ur computer and ur computer has been ok with it since u were child ?

    is the anti virus actually ignoring such virus and a large part of ur computer asking for it !?

    perhaps its not a virus but something which ur computer have been using for long but u don't seem to understand its importance to it ...

    stop trying bash at that "virus" when u have real problems going on , does the war in Iraq virus ring a bell !?

    edit :

    the Americans were not invited to enter Iraq ... Iraq is a real problem ...

  4. The virus was just looking for a better we all are.

  5. Amnesty for virus wont help stop future viruses from invading your computer...

    forget about geek squad!!! go down to the home depot find a few illegal aliens to fix your computer (smarter  and work for less money) LOL

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