
This country was built by Liberals....any one disagree?

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Why is it that there are so many people in America that hate Liberals?

Is it because of FOX and other news/mock-news out lets?

Is it because they are not educated about what the Founding Fathers wanted?

Liberal is NOT a dirty word, it cannot be, it stands for everything our Founders wanted;

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Here is what a Liberal is.

"....if by a liberal they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, their civil liberties.. if that is what they mean by a "liberal" then I am proud to be a liberal. " ~ John F. Kennedy




  1. Yes! And John F. Kennedy was a very rich man from a very wealthy family who never had to worry  about his education, housing, health, or jobs.  His views might very well be skewed. There is no argument as to what is right, the argument is the rights have to be earned.The rights are not entitlements as many liberals believe. When all men put forth their very best regardless how small a contribution to the whole , Then we may buy the " all men are created equal" theory.

  2. The founders stood for something. Today's liberals do not. Ask today's liberal something and then ask that same something later and you will get two different answers. This country was built and formed when we were all Americans. Not so today. Your expressed definition of a liberal is very outdated. Liberals do not look ahead, they look at self, they do not welcome new ideas, they have none, they care not about people, only their votes. I fear what liberals will give away.

  3. Amusing how you equate liberals with acceptance of ideas but slam media sources that present idea that disagree with yours.

    And people wonder why I regard liberals as hypocrites.

  4. You are slightly incorrect. Your definition of a Liberal is correct, but this country was built on Libertarianism. Which is where the word "Liberal" is derived from.

  5. i couldnt DISAGREE MORE. todays pelosi/reid regime comrade liberal bears no resemblance whatsoever to the one of long ago.  this country was not built by failed social welfare schems and confiscatory taxation as the regime embraces today.  todays liberal mocks the heritage of this country by endorsing the name but NOT the ideals of its forefathers.  the answer to your question is i DISAGREE TOTALLY

  6. Americans do not seem to appreciate their democracy they have.  

    The loosing side is forever indirectly calling the majority of the voters idiots. They are calling the opposition names and seem to be blind to the faults of their own leaders.

    It would serve America and the rest of the world better if Americans can learn to accept the chosen administration and rather fight issues than persons.

  7. its about time i finally read something on yahoo about

    liberals that is highly intelligent.

    job well done.

    you deserve more than 10 points on that one.

    brilliantly stated my friend, happy new year and keep

    the faith. Gos Bless.

  8. not only were they liberals...they were radical, revolutionary liberals....Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.-Ben Franklin....Now think of the Patriot act...the very definition of giving up liberty for safety.

  9. Broadly speaking, liberalism emphasizes individual rights and equality of opportunity. Different forms of liberalism may propose very different policies, but they are generally united by their support for a number of principles, including extensive freedom of thought and speech, limitations on the power of governments, the rule of law, the free exchange of ideas, a market or mixed economy, and a transparent system of government.[2]

    The above is quoted form Wickepedia.  Given this definition we have no liberals in America.  Democrats certainly don't espouse these characteristics.

  10. You are so very wise....and so very like JFK our a PROUD LIBERAL...Well said.....Well.....said

  11. This country was founded on individualism and personal responsibility.  The very essence of liberalism, or at least modern liberalism, is the elimination of personal responsibility.

    Further, it's very hard to imagine any of the founding fathers of this country cheering for our enemies, making excuses for murderers and thieves, creating an entire subset of the population with a lifelong dependance on public assistance.. or the elimination of god from all aspects of public ( and as many aspects of private ) life as possible.

    No.. this country certainly was not founded by liberals.

  12. Indeed, you are correct. Liberals are responsible for a better quality of life for the American middle class.  Many people are simply confused about politics. They fail to understand who the players are and what they truly represent. The ruling-elite want it that way and work dilligently to insure this confusion.

    The essence of the political left is labor. The

    right-wing is the rentier (those who make their living

    off of rents, royalties, bond interest and dividend

    payments). Those terms and definitions came out of the

    era of the French Revolution. This can be easily

    understood as the capitalist (right-wing) gets richer

    and richer when the workers (left-wing) toil harder

    and harder for less and less.

    The essence of the right-wing is the wealthy-elite and

    this wealthy-elite has a significant problem in any

    type of democratic society. That problem is that they

    are a tiny, tiny minority. They reconcile this problem

    by confusing a portion of the working class left and

    then convincing those confused members to vote against

    their own best interests. I like to refer to these

    confused people as Archie Bunkers. Archie Bunker was a

    flag-waving, right-wing Republican who was getting his

    brains beat in by right-wing capitalism.

    The Republican Party is hardly a party of decency.

    Bush is the most prolific killer in our generation.

    Bush, Limbaugh and other highly visible right-wingers

    have a history of drug and alcohol abuse. Giuliani and

    others have severe "family-values" issues. And

    certainly, you must have noticed all of the g*y s*x

    scandals in the Republican Party. In fact, those kinds

    of s*x scandals are not a new occurrence. They go back

    decades. Look up the Franklin s*x Scandal and you'll

    find that it goes all the way to the Reagan/Bush White


    The right-wing only embraces select social issues when

    they can be used to split the left. Reagan and Bush

    were advocates of abortion early in their political

    careers. Reagan promoted one of the friendliest

    abortion bills in the nation when he was governor of

    California. The feeling among the right-wing at that

    time was that they wanted to get women off of the

    welfare rolls and they believed that abortion helped

    to accomplish that desire. They only became

    anti-abortion when they realized that it could be used

    to split the left.

    There are no right-wing governments anywhere in the

    world that promote citizen ownership of guns. The

    right-wing governments see an armed citizenry as a

    threat to their own dominance of society. If the

    public here were to become revolutionary-minded, one

    would quickly see the right-wing clamp down on public

    ownership of guns.

    The right-wing has never promoted any true

    life-affirming policies. In fact, it was the

    right-wing that fought tooth and nail against those

    who sought to outlaw child labor in this country. It

    was the right-wing that fought tooth and nail against

    those seeking to form labor unions. It was the

    right-wing that fought tooth and nail against the 8

    hour work day. It was the right-wing that fought tooth

    and nail against minimum wage laws. It was the

    right-wing that fought tooth and nail against women

    suffrage. It was the right-wing that fought tooth and

    nail against civil rights. These were all liberal

    initiatives that were only won after tremendous

    struggle against the political right-wing. In fact,

    ALL life-affirming policies that have ever been passed

    were advanced by the political left.

    Liberals are those members of society who embrace

    capitalism (which is the essence of what separates

    them from socialists) but also believe in fair wages,

    environmental protection laws, civil rights laws,

    work-place safety laws, regulation of industry and so

    on. Since a liberal, by definition, is tolerant, they

    can't simply embrace and abandon social issues on a

    whim like the right-wing has done. Liberals embrace a

    live and let live philosophy that right-wing

    politicians are able to take advantage of in their

    effort to confuse the less political savvy members of

    the underclass.

    Socialists believe that capitalism is completely

    incompatible with a decent society. The great Albert

    Einstein explains why in his essay "Why Socialism."

    Here's the link:

    " . . . nowhere have we really overcome what Thorstein

    Veblen called "the predatory phase" of human

    development. . . . the real purpose of socialism is

    precisely to overcome and advance beyond the predatory

    phase of human development." -- Albert Einstein

  13. "I love America... I love and enjoy the 40 hour work week and safe work environment but I hate the unions that worked tirelessly to get that. I love the food labeling here so that I know what is there in what I eat but I hate that god-d**n liberal that forced corporation to do that."

    Somehow the conservatives think that the good things here in America is brought out by capitalism, free economy and Regan! Probably it is because of illiteracy.

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