
This dream? I need to stay kinda vague b/c it involves ppl from my life?

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I was on a train. I am in real life a muslim, veiled, but do not cover my face. In the dream my face was covered (I do admire women who do this). In the train were two married friends of mine. The woman was in one compartment of the train, the man another.

I joined him, sat across from him. He put his hand on my waist. next to him was a leopard. I was scared it would attack but it rested its head on my legs that were propped up on the seat next to my friend (the married one).

What does this intimate scene reveal?




  1. Hello my dear

    Ok so the key elements in your dream are


    faced covered by a veil

    married man


    **also (please forgive me if i'm wrong) I believe in the muslim faith it is not permitted for a man (especially married) to touch another women and in your dream he is touching you in quite a forbidden place considering**


    Train: To see a train in your dream, represents conformity and go along with what everyone else is doing. You have the need to do things in an orderly and sequential manner. In particular, if you see a freight train, then it refers to the burdens and problems that you are hauling around.  

    To dream that you are on a train, is symbolic of your life's journey and suggests that you are on the right track in life and headed for the right direction.  Alternatively,  you have a tendency to worry needlessly over a situation that will prove to work out in the end.

    Face coverd: To dream that you or someone is wearing a veil, represents something that you wish to hide or conceal. Things may not be what it appears to be.

    Man: If you are a woman and dream that you are in the arms of a man, suggests that you are accepting and welcoming your stronger assertive personality . It may also highlight your desires to be in a relationship and your image of the ideal man.

    Lepard: signifies that through persistent efforts, you will eventually overcome your difficulties.

    From my intuition you do not sound like you are trying to reject your religion, however, is it possible that you do question it's rules and conformity at times? This is a difficult world to live in when practicing religion (no matter what sect)

    As a young person it's hard to at times conform, understand and practise.

    I think in this case the train is representing a journey that you are on in your spiritual and physical life. You are on the right track even though at times you do have doubts. You do tend to worry don't you? You see that your fact is covered in full Muslim dress. I think that is not only trying to hide that you at times feel a little conformed to yoru religion (although you love it) it's showing that you may feel a little stuck at times but in the end you do love being Muslim and will be happy living that way.

    The lepard shows that you will over come the struggle. And the man touching you that way can mean either that you are having a desire to find that right man, or that again at times the humen desire takes over and you want that closeness with a man.

    I hope that helps, keep on keeping on my dear.

  2. wow this is like muslim erotica or something.  You'r taught not to have strange married guys put their hands on ya, and yet, you got this fantacy about doing it.  And when you did it in your dream, you figured you burn right there on the spot, but nothing happened.  Sounds to me like you're trying to talk yourself into having an affair.

    Edit: Sorry, but that what it sounded like since I dont know you.

  3. the train: Absolute power, control being out of your hands, something that seems unstoppable or unavoidable, or an overwhelming feeling

    muslim: An ending—such as of a phase of life, a phase of a relationship, a job, or an activity

    veiled:Exploring the fullness of being a woman and all that that it involves in the world you live in (women's roles, society's views of women, the way men in your life treat women, expectations your partner has for you, expectations you have on yourself as a woman, etc.)

    Leopard: Ability for action, decisiveness, and quick results. Well adapted for your environment. Dreaming of this animal can represent:

    Having too much of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being less this way

    Not having enough of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being more like this

    Someone or something in your real life with whom you associate one of these qualities (an event, situation, threat, etc.)

    For more clues, pay attention to what the animal was doing or any particular characteristic that stood out.

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