
This dream. Just a tissue of nonsense as far as I can see, or?

by  |  earlier

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I was going round lake Geneva (though it wasn't much like the real one) and I noticed my car floating in the water. My only real worry was that the back door was open. I tried to close it, but couldn't. I went back home organise bringing the car in. I decided to hire a rowboat - the town was a bit like a seaside town. I went to the boat hire place. Two Vietnamese woman tourists were there. They were talking in poetic terms about the beauty of the waves etc, so the boatman, as I guessed, ignored them and turned to me. While waiting, I also saw some copper coins half-buried in the sand by my right foot. They turned out to be worn royal french colonial coins. I hired my boat and decided I had better bring my binoculars to help me pick out my car better. That's when I woke up.




  1. It doesn't have to be nonsense, but in my experience it kind of depends what those things symbolize for you personally (although a floating car makes me think you've just been watching footage of the flooding in the south US!).

    Trying to close the back door is strange though. Do you have a lot of personal stuff in your car? Is it your 'personal space' like mine is? In which case you could be feeling as if your personal space is being invaded or 'flooded'.

    The worn french colonial coins sound intriguing as well. Do you have any special memories associated with coins or coin collecting? What do you associate with coins or with french colonial times? That might give you some indication as to your thought processes.

    Dreams like this are sometimes just spliced together ideas and trains it also reminds me of that movie 'Northfork'! Have you seen it? :)

  2. Something else to consider is what those objects mean to you. (Or the places.) Dreams are highly personal. If I dream of a cat, it'll mean something different than someone who's allergic.

    I'm not familiar with Lake Geneva, so you might want to look at the differences, since that was one of the details you caught

    The theme of this dream seems to be recovering personal property. You're concerned about the task and not really interested in the beauty of the situation.

    Another really interesting detail is those coins by your foot that were half buried. Were they like treasure? Or something commonplace? The reason I ask, is because it's kind of like buried treasure to me, but I love coins.

    Now if these things mean the same to you as they did to me, you could look to see if something is true to your life. Are you trying to recover property?  Are you looking for something you lost? Or are you a bargain hunter? (coins) You'll be the best interpreter since you know you better than I know you.

    Of course it could be that you did see something on t.v. and rehashed it while you slept, but I'll leave that for you to decide!


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