
This dream is scary.Any interpretation?

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I remember being somewhere like the College of the Ozarks guest dorms and I was running w/ a lot of other teens I didn't know.My instinct told me that something wierd was up, so I followed them on down the stairs and we came acros this little black boy on the staircase and he started laughing mischeviously when we finally saw the bottom of the stairs. I also recall becoming afraid because I realized we were at the same staircase from a pevious dream wehre a figure stabbed me and the same large metal doors were there, only they were shaking tremendously and I felt an ominous presence trying to escape from behind them.Well when we figured out that it was about to break otu we all ran in another direction to a room that looked kinda eerie and discovered that it was some sort of trap. Once we learned this a storm erupted of wind and the roof blew away without our knowledge of it.Soon, we were left by ourselves and in a brick shell of the room. The sorm broke out in another tornado and we all noticed as we screamed,we were outside and I looked ahead of me about 27 feet away and saw this large rabbit hole and wondered why it was there and then I realized that it was soon only me, some others who were underneath things hiding, and this blonde fat kid and he was looking worried and then this huge mothman -like creature pops out of the rabbit hole and swoops right at our little group and statches up this kid with brown hair and he's screaming and crying for help but as soon as we see the creature pick him up we know he's done for. The thing had black eyes that were huge and it's arms dissapeared into it's sides while walking, it was grayish in color with huge white/ gray angel wings and after the creature stole the brown haired boy away we heard him screaming and he sounded like he was dying so we got even more terrified. After the screams stopped we sat there , waiting for our death and after what felt like 5 minutes, the creature swooped back down and picked up this blonde girl who always appears in my dreams and then drags her down the hole and she's saying no and everything trying to get away and we try to pull her down, but no hope and then we hear her screaming and sounds like someone's eating and slurping and the blonde guy and I run away once we think the creature is gone.We find this forest scenery like a play and my mother in a nurse's outfit from ww1 tells me after I ask her where we are about these two lovers and a few things I can not remember and then this pale guy with black hair steps out of this vortex thing and he pulls a rose from the cardboard scenery and hands it to me and I looked down shortly and noticed a swamp-like flood and I woke up

What does this mean?




  1. Well, this blonde girl that you dream about. She might symbolize someone else in your life.  And the whole end of the world thing- your inner instincts might be telling you that somthing that will turn your world upside-down is about to happen. The guy with the rose and the swamp means that you feel like someone is decieving you. The black boy symbolizes someone who knows too much. The doors symbolize a secret that's been kept for ages about to burst out. The storms normally mean the chaos of your life. So you are under a lot of stress, yes? All of the people who are worried know something that you don't in the dream, correct? So may these people symbolize living people that are keeping a secret from you, and you're suspicious but your gut knows? The rabbit hole and the thing that eats everything symbolize the unknown. You don't know about something important and it's scaring your subconcience to death! And this creature you described seems to be about someone who (again) is decieving you. Stabbing you in the back, perhaps. I hope that helps! =)

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