
This dream kind of freaked me out, but I wonder what it means, can you help???

by  |  earlier

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In my dream I was for some reason a male (I am in real life a female) and I was holding this female in my arms and sort of comforting her. She was on my lap and had her legs wrapped around me, it was kind of how a toddler holds you when they are upset. Anyway even though I was a guy I was thinking of my real life boyfriend and how I wanted to go and call him. But this female didnt seem to want to move so I asked her what was wrong. She said "I had a bad haircut and I dont want to be seen in public." I laughed and told her she looked adorable and then she made this face and I thought "**** I should have said she was gorgeous, now she is going to get all female on me." But instead she unzips my pants and starts to french kiss me but the craziest part of all this is that when her tongue went into my mouth it started to spin like crazy and it was so large that I was suffocating. I was about to try and gasp for air and I just woke up completely shocked. Is there a meaning? And what??




  1. Um....did you enjoy it?

  2. i would hav loved to hav tht dream...

  3. The dream has many sexual themes in it.  That you are a male in the dream suggest you took the masculine role.  You were holding a female but she is more in a child like posture at firs but then this changes to a very sexual one.   You thought about your boyfriend since to suggest a sexual conflict that is then controlled by the female you are holding.  She prevents you from taking that action by asking you a question.  You think she is going to get all female suggesting you are still in a masculine role.  Then she unzips your pants, in dream you are male so you have a p***s, then kisses you.  It seems at first you were very accepting of the kiss but then the conflict arose and you seem to reverse your stance.  Also, you said her tongue became very large and this could be an association to a p***s in your mouth.

    The dream seems to be about a confused sexual role and your inability to comes to terms with whatever you have been feeling about yourself.  The dreams simply reflects these conflicts.

    Let me know if this is helpful.

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